Clergs, you know you wanted some excitement...

...and less money? Here's your chance:



  • Fluent in additional languages, especially Dutch and Arabic,
  • Experience as a teacher or trainer (not necessarily related to open source research),
  • European Union passport in order to easily travel to run Bellingcat workshops.


Clergs loves learning languages..., if you marry me we can get you that Irish passport and travel the world doing sneaky beaky online stuff. 

We can hire Funkymonkey to be the one who gets to live in a basement full of comms and computer equipment and protect our backs...

the infuriating thing about Dutch (I tried back in 2013) is that Dutch people all speak completely fooking perfect English

I am going to go out on a limb and say that Dutch is impossible for this reason alone

I read somewhere that Dutch should be the easiest foreign language for a native English speaker to learn, it's just that no one bothers.

I should ask my mum's cousin about that. He's lived in the Netherlands for about 30 years.

the idea of being liberated from my suburban concerns and cast into a world where the only limits are my imagination and thirst for truth gives me a quasisexual thrill

dude, I said I thought Jean-Claude Juncker was a twot for drunkenly assaulting him at an official event

not really the same as a secret coke habit that funds groups who burn civilians alive and hang their corpses from bridges

people who use cocaine who are not also peruvian shepherds do not get to lecture anyone else on anything because they are needless scum


anyway back on point, I wonder which arabic bellingcat wants

I don't interact with plenty of rofers so this seems vanishingly unlikely

It isn't niche to judge it

I wouldn't have mentioned it if you hadn't tried to set yourself up as some sort of arbiter of ethics tho, everyone must plough their own path to hell or otherwise