speedboat crash man

I have not read any of the stuff on this properly but guessing you all have.


I would be interested to know whether the basis of his manslaughter conviction relies on rules that pertain to boats in a different way to how rules would pertain to cars? 

Sailo will no doubt be here soon but as I understand it boat v car is not really analogous, it was unsafe (no kill switch, no life vests, and he was encouraging her to speed (she was driving by the way)) he knew that, he was negligent in not stopping it. 

It would I suppose be like getting a pissed up girl who doesn’t have a driving licence to drive your performance car which you know has bald tyres and fvcked brakes and you’ve disabled the seatbelts. 

It does still tbf sound a bit of a push and I think this bloke was probably mainly convicted on the “looks and acts like a ladypart” factor. 

Well, that and the fact he didn't bother turning up for his trial and it was held in absentia, which wouldn't have gone down well with the jury..plus no opportunity to present a defence. 

I don't get it - it makes no sense for him to go on a 4 year long exile (now ended), to avoid a 6 year sentence..he'd have been out and free now. 

Although all the safety stuff has been widely reported and adds a level of possible negligence I would say the main thing he deserved to be punished for was caning it down the river in the dark whilst drunk.  Clearly having a lifejacket on would probably have helped but given the risk of floating objects in rivers in the winter he should have been going at the speed limit and potentially slower than that.

I was including that in the “acting like a lady part” bit to be honest. 

Re your question - I think he just is a genuine lady part and thinks this is all a massive laugh. 

True but as she had no experience he was responsible for the speed and supervising her so he was still responsible for the fact they were travelling at excessive speed for the conditions.  If I'm skipper on a boat and give the wheel to someone who hasn't sailed before I'm still responsible for the safety of the boat.

Presumably given that she was untrained he was supervising her, rather like in the event of a car accident caused by a learner-driver both the driver and the licence-holder supervising them can be charged. 

Thinking outside the box here, but shouldn't he as the one with prior skill and knowledge of piloting a boat still be responsible even if he had let her have a go with it? Bit like someone who's a qualified driver allowing a non-driver to take the wheel of their car or similar?

Just a thought.

The ridiculous thing in this country is that you can buy a boat with no training or qualifications and go straight to caning it at 50 knots.  I'm amazed there aren't more accidents like this to be honest.

However, as the owner and someone who had driven a boat before he's responsible for ensuring the safety of his passengers.  Same way that I assume you could sue an unlicensed driver if you were injured in a crash they caused while they were driving.

I think a lot of people would do a runner if it wasnt for the fact that all their family friends etc would have to be left.


I think if you are a loner then running away probably starts to look like a pretty sensible move  

Can't help wondering how he's been funding skiing and the like.  I know Georgia is pretty cheap but I couldn't afford to just leg it to a foreign country with no source of income for the foreseeable future.

does he!? no way! thats mental. 


I have been trying to wean myself off "the news " this year but its proving a pretty hard and I always get intrigued with this sort of thing. 

I thought he was estranged from a wife who had told everyone where he was hiding.  He's apparently asked for an album of photos of his child as a prison luxury.  All sounds very peculiar.

Archibald - he acquired said wife / finacee and child indecently quickly (ie both within a year) of the accident; wonder if the first date was an illicit one? and yes - she's the one who told the police (six month ago) that he was in Tbilsi (stopped paying child support when he went on the run???)