No deal: we'll still have food

Sorry for starting a Brexit thread but fooking hell

Asked if more MPs are considering no-deal, a Leave-backing former cabinet minister said: “To a certain degree but people aren’t going round and saying no deal is going to be a cakewalk.

“But when people are seeing the technical notices they are asking, how much will this actually impact people’s lives?

“We won’t be able to get certain foods like bananas or tomatoes but it’s not like we won’t be able to eat. And we’ll be leaving at a time when British produce is beginning to come into season so it’s the best possible time to leave with no deal.”

Ah yes I think I remember seeing that shit on the side of a bus all through the campaign. 

Good news for anyone aiming to perfect that bikini body before summer: everyone in the UK is going to be on a very low calorie diet.

Bad news for anyone wanting to parade their hot bikini body on a beach this summer: you won't be able to afford to go abroad. 

Wtf is a cakewalk?  has this unnamed (blatently obvious it's davis) MP malapropped cat walk (or possibly walk in the park) with let them eat cake.*


* yes i realise the better translation is let them eat brioche but even brexit wont drive us to that

Thank you again.  i had honestly never heard of this phrase.  your article indicates that the sort of person who would use it is an epic trump fanboy weapon.

Or it's just one of those expressions in everyday life that we use without knowing the origin.  I certainly didn't know until I googled it to make sure I was right and you were wrong ;) 

Dux has been seen around surrey teying to sell his "yes, we have no bananas" sketch to the local independant greengrocers.  he has a cane, a boater and a natty jacket.  

Errrm why wouldn't we be able to have bananas in a no deal scenario?  I appreciate the arrangements between the EU and banana growing countries are pretty complex but presumably they don't include an exclusivity provision for the EU....

Bananas might be a bit more expensive but why on earth wouldn't they be available?  Which particular bit of the world will end stuff is this related to?

"bananas of any quality can be imported and sold as long as the quality is stated"

No. Regulation EC2257/94 dictates that all bananas in all classes must be free from “abnormal curvature". 

There is provision for bananas to be marketed as so-called Class II fruit if they have "defects of shape", but even then they must still meet the (strict) minimum requirements including "retain [ing] their essential characteristics as regards...presentation."

Right now we're hurtling towards the cliff, foot on the accelerator with a maniacal expression, laughing hysterically whilst the europhile tede remainers like Anna are sat in the back crying and screaming for us to hit the brakes.

Oh no... we're going over. I can't wait.