Monday fatigue

I always have far greater exhaustion levels on a Monday than I do on any other day in the week. By Thurs/Fri I am delivering with adrenalin and a sense of depleting available time, keen not to let work creep into the weekend. I then cram so much into my weekends that I wake up on Monday morning thinking it would be nice to have a few more hours kip. I drink more coffee on a Monday than the rest of the week.

I am pretty sure this weekend behaviour is the product of boarding school still lurking in the psyche. I often do things (gardening, garage stuff, cars/bikes etc) well into the late evening on Sunday as if to squeeze every last drop out of my liberty and looking to postpone my reincarceration through activity.  I don't put my feet up and watch the Sunday evening drama. I probably should.  

Do you eat badly and drink more over the weekend?

When i think of Sundays and Boarding school, it is ALWAYs howards way, i think perhaps we left to attend school as it started. no idea, but its a very strong association

Sunday evenings were prep from 7 to 9 pm then bed an hour or so later. Not hobbies and fun ffs

 no wonder you are not ready for the week ahead come Monday morning

You slightly missed the point I was making, AmI.

I was meaning that the sense of depletion of the weekend (which you felt acutely as Sunday afternoon ran through) created a sense of wanting time to stop running, so you would cram in a bike ride, a Lego project, a something. Just one more... I still do this.

BTW, for me Ski Sunday and Rugby Special were the winter TV progs that signalled the imminent departure of the prison van. 


my tolerance levels also deplete when tired. I am listening to a presentation by a person who is beginning to awaken feelings of deep hatred in me. Poor chap, it's not his content or tone. It's simply his existence.

Did u know in Dubai Monday is our Tuesday


Friday is out Saturday

and Saturday is our sunday

and Sunday is our monday

makes a huge difference, it really does - it feels like a 4 day week

Muttley27 Sep 21 14:30

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same. In the past six months I have developed a 2.30/3am waking habit. It lasts an hour, sometimes more.  This is an unwelcome development. 


Known as the Second Sleep - used to be a thing for the agricultural worker. Features in an interesting but odd book by Robert Harris

To be fair Mutters, you didn’t really miss much on Sunday evenings.

As the man from the Telly says, it was Howard’s Way or All Creatures Great and Small on BBC1, One Man and His Dog on BBC2 or a Lesley Crowther Seaside Special on ITV.

Being contrary, I retired to my bedroom at 7pm listen to Monty Modlyn phone-in on LBC or the  Peter Young Capital Radio Countdown.

Exciting times.

Yes, you're right. Holiday was on a bit earlier at about 5pm, but The Money Programme was on at about 6.30 after Rugby Special and was really excellent stuff.

Peter Jay and Brian Widlake were a couple of the presenters.

Today I feel completely different. I slept well. Went to bed v early. Woke at 2.30 again, but soon back to sleep. I then woke to the alarm and decided fook that, and slept for another hour and a half. I think I had ten and a half hours which is almost teenstyle. I then had a coffee and took exercise before a shower then breakfast.  My whole body feels different, no longer aching from deep down within. Today will be great.