Raab has resigned- hard brexit imminent
Anonymous (not verified) 15 Nov 18 08:58
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Uh oh.

Ok I’ll dignify this threat. Chukka on telly now making the point I noted last night, maybot for the first time actually ceded the point that brexit is not irreversible “this deal, no deal or no brexit”

Matt Hancock also made the same point this morning, in effect

the choice is: this deal, no deal, or no brexit

he in effect said the government does not want another referendum, but that was a possibility of this deal is not approved

I would LOVE it if TMPM sticks it to the Brexit nutters by saying (after they vote down her deal): right, that's it, I'm resigning in 2 months time, and in the meantime my government will negotiate a pause on leaving the EU so there can be another referendum

not a totally unrealistic scenario in my view, she must be royally fooked off with the Tory bastards

She is toast. This deal is dead. She cannot ever convince her cabinet. The maths of parliament are massively stacked against her. 

Even as a remainer always thought a second referendum was a pipe dream, however, increasingly I think it more likely. Although Heffalump's prediction is not unrealistic.




Raab came in towards the end so I imagine it's like that moment when a colleague is on holiday and the matter they've left with you is ready to complete and you have a read through the documents to find that they've agreed to something bizarre and you're then trying to work out how to raise it with the other side without looking like you're trying to renegotiate things.

Fair play to Raab. Man's got Ballz.

On the contrary.  It's easy to run away from the mess.  Cameron, Johnson, Gove - none of them have "got ballz".  (not Jo Johnson, FAOD). 

the eu will do everything they can to defeat brexit

if we need time for a referendum they will give it to us

they will also let us back on the same terms as we have now

It's all very exciting. So much so I posted this on the other thread. 

Resignations coming in now. 

Need a Johnson to deliver hard brexit, clean a break as possible and just get on with it. 

Hard Brexit looks as distant as ever. Majority for a deal or for remaining is so huge that they will table enough motions to get through.

The only way no deal happens is if we have a General Election in which a hard Tory Brexiteer leader wins a majority. 

Parliament looks very sombre today, and TMPM looks like she has had enough and looks tired.

ian Blackford is wittering on about how there is not one mention of Scotland in the 500 page document! Lol

God she is devious, cable asks her what steps are being taken for a no deal brexit . She said none because she will deliver brexit. I swear she has repeatedly said they are planning for a no deal brexit as well..

Tom Brake, the Lib Dem Brexit spokesman, says May referred to staying in the EU being an option. That would only happen if there was an election or a second referendum. So which is it?

May ignores the question, and says the UK will not be isolated after Brexit.

Queenie E15 Nov 18 12:17

resigning due to ill health is perhaps her way out of this

She's made of sterner stuff. if she goes it'll be because she knows she doesn't have the support, not some bed-wetters excuse

yep. Every time I feel a bit sorry for her trying to achieve the impossible and dealing with the front and backstabbing then I remember that this mess is totally of her own making so fook her

the public don't need to back her removal, just her MPs

I'd argue they would if the Conservatives don't want to be atomised at the next election, but then look at 1992


Michael Gove has been offered the job of Brexit Secretary, sources confirm. 

But he's still wrestling with whether he will stay on at all in the wake of Raab's resignation. Which will it be?

Hopefully the Queen will reassert direct rule and we can be done with this. Then we can have the pragmatic solution of putting Greater London, the M1 corridor, Manchester and Scotland into the EU, putting "Greater England" and Wales into a Dukedom ruled by JRM, BoJo and Farage free to negotiate trade deals with everyone including EU UK, and everyone will be happy.

Ken Clarke being entirely sensible about this:

Veteran Conservative MP Ken Clarke says this morning's events have been "the most extreme situation in Parliament I've ever seen".

Speaking to BBC Radio 4's The World At One, the former Conservative chancellor says "there's not the slightest chance" of the prime minister's deal being supported by MPs.

He suggests Theresa May may "soften" the deal she is proposing, in order to win the support of Labour MPs and get the deal through the House of Commons that way.

Asked about Mrs May's future as prime minister, he says "there isn't anyone else" and is "an irrelevance".

A challenge to her leadership would only add "farce into the situation", he says, and even if a vote of confidence was forced "then she'll win confidently" as other Conservative MPs continue to support her.

"I don't think they have the slightest chance of removing Theresa May."