why israel must fight on
The Oracle of Delphi 05 Nov 23 14:27
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Chimp - let me summarize for you:

Hamas is bad. Really bad. Israel is good. The good guys have to keep killing children in order to stop the bad guys who use those poor children as human shields. But Israel has a right to defend itself and is only continuing this relentless bombardment as a measure of self defence and not as part of a continued desire to rid the land of its rightful inhabitants. But don’t worry; after all the bloodshed, those who survive will be grateful to Israel for liberating them from the hellish control of Hamas and will jump for joy (if they have legs left) and wave the Israeli flag from the tall piles of rubble and decomposing bodies of their own children.

well there’s no point then backing off now, humanitarian pauses excepted. They’ve already smashed the shite out of Gaza and it would be an absolute waste if they didn’t go on to crush Hamas, an objective that in and of itself is a perfectly good one

I think they may face the problem tho that Hamas aren’t just sitting around outside bombed out coffee bars in Gaza City wearing black flags with white script for easy identification by the IDF

But according to Biden/Blinken and every other US talking head, aren’t Hamas the same as Hezbolah, Al Qaeda and ISIS? So when Israel achieves its objective of removing Hamas, won’t a faction of one of the others fill the vacuum?  Or do you genuinely believe that the way to win the hearts and minds of the Palestinians in Gaza is to kill as many of their family members as possible in the process. This would be like a surgeon trying to remove a cancerous lump with an axe and then expecting the patient to recover.

No, I have been consistently critical of Israeli policy for allowing themselves to be gubbed into an invasion and for their fairly customary indifference to civilian casualties among palestinians.

"davos if you were really working class you’d have more sympathy for the plight of the palestinian people"

This doesn't make a huge amount of sense. I have a great deal of sympathy for them 

Nothing on this thread says otherwise

Understanding the Israeli/Jewish position is part of understanding the situation 

The Israelis will know who is Hamas and where they are for the most part. Most of the leadership is out of Gaza though anyway. Best they can hope for is to find most of the guns and rockets in Gaza and destroy them along with the tunnels that hide them. That might buy them a couple of years of relative peace but at the price of worse still to come as yet another generation are brutalised and filled with hate for them. 

“The Israelis will know who is Hamas and where they are for the most part”


 I’d fully believe Mossad is one of the world’s more effective military intelligence agencies because of how much practice they must get. But it’s important to remember how low a bar that is, given how fvcking shite all intelligence agencies are.