What do you look for when purchasing a car?

Which features rank highest on your list of requirements and nice to haves?

comfort and reliable power.  Something that isn't loud on the motorway, has enough power to over take quickly and doesn't leave you rattling after 2-3 hours on the motorway.

Oh, and heated windscreens for winter mornings.

got to be able to do big distances in a relaxed manner so good ride, enough power, good gearbox, good visibility

ok enough handling (the sweeter the better but I have 3 kids so there are limits)

heated seats

would love heated windscreen (darn you Ford) and heated wheel

air con

bluetoothy appy whatever all that stuff is

not too much of a bloatah

Service history 

Not diesel 

No cat ABCDSN whatever it is bollox


Cars are just too expensive now , even crap ones cost too much of a fortune to be messing around with that kind of risk