
Seems fairly clear this is now over unless the west is prepared to fight properly?

It’s over unless the GOP allow US funding to resume in the next month or two. 

If we were still in the EU the UK might, just possibly have driven a proper support agenda through with france but I don’t think Macron can do it alone and the level of support the Uk can provide acting alone is p1ssing in a hurricane. 


Over in the sense that Ukraine has little chance of retaking ground, sure. But the Russian actual awar aim of taking Kiev and forcing regime change is twenty feet under, for good.

Academic anyway, as Biden wins the election handsomely and uses his refreshed mandate to double down.

The West's aim, per the Cold War, should be to tie Russia up in knots until they (if they ever) learn to be at peace with their history.  This may or may not be consistent with resting eastern Ukraine.  There's no guarantee Putin's successor will be any better than Putin and could be a lot worse.