A thread for those who intend to vote to leave Sunak and the Tories in charge

to explain why

anyone else remember the last days of the Major government with all the sleaze?  I'd welcome that back before I'd vote for this lot of culture warrior grifting GB News talking head liars.

Hancock is excellent value for money. I see he's doing some SAS challenge thing following his stint on I'm a Celebrity. Next year a reenactment of the Running Man hopefully. 

Labour's poll lead has now been reduced to 10% and falling, according to Opinium.

Suggests that this board may not be representative of the country as a whole.

Lead is likely to drop by more if and when the Rwanda flights start. Supreme Court judgment probably in before the end of the year.

Lead is likely to drop by more if and when the Rwanda flights start. Supreme Court judgment probably in before the end of the year.

That is a damned fine example of what I believe the kids these days call "copium"

TBF they are fighting back. Only 65% of people disapprove of them (70% 25-29). This is a vast improvement on the 81% in October 2022 when the saviour of the Tory party was in power. 


I don’t want to vote for them of course, but I feel like I don’t have any choice until Labour figures out what a women is/until the Lib Dems respect the referendum result/because Labour said there was no money left [/middle aged roffers]

‘Lead is likely to drop by more if and when the Rwanda flights start. Supreme Court judgment probably in before the end of the year‘


don’t forget the US trade deal m7…

I tend to agree that an election is a long way off and Tories can get closer if they don't have any more scandals, poor policies or out right racism 

Luckily they will almost definitely have more scandals, poor policies and out right racism 

Labour's poll lead has now been reduced to 10% and falling, according to Opinium.

Desperate stuff.  

The overall polling averages extrapolated in the 3 weeks to 15 September placed Labour on 44.1%, the Conservatives on 27.5%, and the Liberal Democrats on 11.3%

Worse for Sunak, his approval rating fell below that of his party, so he's now a drag rather than a pull, and he's now less popular than BoJo at the point he resigned.


US trade deal won't happen before the election, of course.

Long term, we can of course look to a US trade deal to build on the current position (UK grew faster than both France and Germany since Brexit; Project Fear officially confirmed as a scam).

I don’t want to vote for them of course, but I feel like I don’t have any choice until Labour figures out what a women is

I won't vote Labour or Lib Dem for exactly this reason, I'll spoil my ballot.  I won't vote for the Tories despite the fact that they do indeed care about women's safety and sports, or have taken a position to exploit them which matches mine.  I'll spoil my ballot.  It won't matter in the end because if the Tories don't win my seat they'll only have about 20 MPs left.

We can look forward to a massive free trade deal with the EU (and the benefit of any EU/US trade deals) simply by rejoining 



Rwanda prediction is easily falsifiable. Will happily admit error if they get these flights going and it doesn't (i) boost the Tories in the polls (ii) result in another outbreak of bedwetting from people on here.

Will happily admit error if they get these flights going

They will never get these flights going.

Will you admit your error when they never get going?  Or will you call the Judges that stop them ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE?

FF, I think France and Germany are the best comparators. Similar sized European economies.


UK ceased to be a member of the single market around Jan 2020 - about the same time.

I'm sure I remember the Project Fear "predictions" being a little bit more dramatic than "even if we leave, we will still outgrow France and Germany but not Italy." Now colliding with reality and exposed as a big scam.

hope Starmer knows you need 2.5x the width of the window for curtains.  What sort of pleats do you reckon he likes?  Seems like a pinch-pleat man, amirite?

The real tragedy is that Labour should be comfortably sailing into the largest majority Parliament the country has ever seen based on the Tory record over the last 13 years (and especially since BoJo the clown got in).

however my money is on an even more ineffective minority government Labour lead coalition 

Whoah - well that curtains comment has finished labour for a generation.

Do you remember 2023 great grandpa?

Hmm, let me see, that may have been the year I married your great grandma but it is all a bit hazy to be honest.  But I do remember that was the year a political party was killed forever by one sentence from soon to be president for life Shaps the Great.

I think we might get a gezza sooner than expected. Lettuce lady has broken off 60 MPs into her economic suicide death cult splinter group and RIshi may not have a maj to rely on anymore.


Lol @ only 10%. Guess the gap in the last opinion poll before 1997? 

You can basically add half the libdem or a third of the labour vote in each constituency on to whoever will beat the Conservative candidate. 3 "not Corbyn" elections have made them complacent beyond belief. The fact they even show Truss in public, worse than a lettuce, means they have no discipline and are basically running a "who will be opposition leader" contest.

As for project fear, the worst case scenario was a currency 15% weaker. Guess how weak our currrency is now? There is no economic stat that supports Brexit. You either admit it was a dogmatic project borne mostly out of xenephobia, in which case a win, or STFU. 

admit it was a dogmatic project borne mostly out of xenephobia, in which case a win

a very large proportion of brexit voters are indeed happy to acknowledge this after a few beers tbf 

‘You either admit it was a dogmatic project borne mostly out of xenephobia, in which case a win‘

not sure it is a win even on those terms, immigration has increased since brexit

a very large proportion of brexit voters are indeed happy to acknowledge this after a few beers tbf 

While other brainboxes claim to have voted for brexit for sovereignty whilst also claiming they thought we should have stayed in the single market as a rule-taker having given up our position as rule-maker 🦆

The ECJ fined us £30m last week for allowing pleasure boats in NI to use the wrong kind of diesel. They made the fine extra large to deliberately emphasise that that the rules applied to the entire UK, not just NI.

That's sovereignty I guess. 

It is astounding that on forum of middle age middle class professionals, less than a handful of people admit to voting conservative

I stress ‘admit’ as there will be a few social conservatives who don’t like to think of themselves as Tory voters but always end up voting Tory because they just can’t vote for a party that doesn’t know what a woman is/wants 10 million people to arrive in small boats/wants to reduce the speed limit to 5mph on motorways/insert other culture war crap they’ve swallowed.

but still, looking good for majjie t 350 next Jenny ell.

It’s funny isn’t it. Doctors, lawyers, teachers - the Tory party has alienated them all. I wonder what the core vote now is? Pensioners and the gullible I suppose.

Labour is worse on almost everything that matters.

From the totally sane person who demanded the freedom to infect and kill others during a pandemic. Keith Starfish must be absolutely gutted he won't get your vote.

Tbf the Tories are better on 


Reducing equality 

Destroying the NHS 

Destroying the economy



Denying democracy




So which of those is important to Lydia?

Labour is worse on almost everything that matters.

What do you base that on? We've had a tory government destroy everything that matters since 2010. The last time we had a Labour government, British society was much better off by all measures. 

Labour is worse on almost everything that matters.



I don't think much of Labour's offering under Starmer but I don't understand how even those espousing the sort of views that Tom cites could vote for the Tories. The Tories have been in power for 13 years and have done nothing to reduce immigration. 

I won't vote Labour because my local MP is toxic and it's now a safe Labour seat in any case. I will probably vote LibDem unless there's some smaller party candidate with a better offering.

Anyone who votes Tory is either a grifter or a cultist or quite possibly both.

@Royalty: Did you see the sentence before the one you quoted:

I don't understand how even those espousing the sort of views that Tom cites could vote for the Tories. The Tories have been in power for 13 years and have done nothing to reduce immigration. 

Yes and only one of those views had anything to do with immigration so it is fair to assume you zoomed in on that because it's the only one you care about Gammon. Capiche?

"🤣🤣🤣 horrific old harridan"

Presumably people writing this type of thing are the same people who were *appalled* at what Laurence Fox said about Ava Evans?

George Graham02 Oct 23 15:46 Reply | Report

UK grew faster than both France and Germany since Brexit; Project Fear officially confirmed as a scam

this is a bare-faced lie (or, at best, purposefully misleading)

gdp per capita on a ppp basis (which is, amongst various imperfect statistics, the closest 2 real impact on financial well-being of people):

- uk estim7s: in 2016, 45.3k; in 2022, 46.8k 

- germany estim7s: in 2016, 42.1k; in 2021*, 51.2k

- france estim7s: in 2016, 37k; in 2021*, 43.7k


*i don’t have the 2022 figures from a quick google, but they r better than 2022…

i’ll let u work out the massive delta in % of gdp per capita growth on a ppp basis

Yes and only one of those views had anything to do with immigration so it is fair to assume you zoomed in on that because it's the only one you care about Gammon. Capiche?

Trans issues were hardly a politically contentious subject pre the 2010s. Maybe motoring issues were a bit more politically contentious but there wasn't much difference in the Tory vs Labour offering re fuel tax etc.  Whereas in 2010 immigration was very definitely on the political agenda, with David Cameron promising to reduce it to "tens of thousands".  So, compared with other Tory culture war issues, very definitely 13 years of failure by the Tories own terms.  Which is why I picked out that one issue.

Are you determined to follow every post I make on this site with a sneery bullying post?  I'm sure there's a better person inside you if you look around.

Gammon. It has taken you so long to compose that weak response that I'm not sure I give a shit. 

Do you have a PowerPoint file I might pretend to look at later please?

Seriously Royalty, get some help. 

People arguing different points of view can get quite heated and even personal.  We all understand that.  But you're just going from thread to thread following me around trying to find things to argue about in my posts even on threads where we have the same viewpoint.  

If you're carrying around this much toxicity it's not a good sign.

Jesus Christ you're sensitive. Let's not forget you had chill banned for *checks notes* quoting your own racist posts back at you even though he's also Irish?

Chill got banned for making up stuff out of thin air.  Claiming I'd said things I'd never said.  Because he was blinded by the light of his own self-righteousness.  If you want to go in that direction, be my guest.

The old Royalty strategy.  When all else fails, resort to generalised abuse.

The reason that some of us don't reply immediately is not because it takes us so long to compose something but because we're not sitting there pressing refresh on the thread. The fact that you don't seem to comprehend that is disturbing.

There must be more fun things you can do with your life than snipe at me on an anonymous internet message board populated by a diminishing number of 40 and 50 something lawyers and others. 

"Labour is worse on almost everything that matters."

Tell me Lyds, does tax matter to profoundly ignorant borderline sociopathic boomers who've had an easy life handed to them on a silver platter, or is literally the only thing that matters demonising refugees?



UK companies are now paying more tax, as a percentage of their profits, than at any time since the 1970s, and plausibly than at any time since 1946.