The Strange Death of Europe

Any thoughts on this?

I think its the writing of a profoundly bigoted cretin, with absolutely no sense of history and how all societies change over time, pandering to similarly minded alt-right cretins for likes and £££.

I mean, pretty much all countries in Western Europe have since WW2 absorbed large numbers of non-European immigrants.  All of them have prospered and continue to prosper.  When exactly does this moron think this 'death' is finally going to happen?  

There is a tipping point.  I'm sure the Romans thought Christianity was a fringe Middle Eastern religion, founded by a nutter claiming to be the son of God, at one point.  And the lords of al-Andalus probably thought that it would be part of the dar-ul-Islam forever... 

Have just looked this up.

The reviews seem to be split according to tribal lines. Rod Liddle gave a positive view.

Gaby Hinsliff in the Guardian gave it a negative review.

It must be so boring being a columnist where everyone can predict exactly what you are going to say on a subject without having to read your column. Might as well publish ChatGPT.