Speaking of trains - train companies trying to limit how many “pieces of carry on luggage” you can “bring on board”
Sir Woke XR Re… 17 Mar 24 13:50
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do one fgs it’s a fvcking train

This sort of nonsense, combined with the State's attempts to get us all to drive at 3mph, is just going to encourage people to fly. 

There's a climate mergency ffs, they should be encouraging people to use public transport. 

Seems like a fuss about nothing given the ability of anyone to enforce it. Golden rule, if you can carry it on and off then you can take it so there is a natural limit of about 2 large suitcases and a backpack anyway. 

I could get behind mandatory removal of rucksacks from backs when boarding a commuter train. Feels like this should be enforced by mob rule. 

They've been sneaking this kind of thing into trains for a while.

You can't take surfboards on trains anymore and now you have to book your bike in. You used to just be able to shuffle on and off with a bike no problem.

I hate modern trans.

Er, whoops...I mean I hate 'trains'

At university I usd to have to have a massive trolley to the guard's van where my bike went and then the vast number of bags and cases. This rule would have made things very difficult.