Sir Beer’s Kinnock Moment

An absolute wonderful moment yesterday at the hands of Grant Shaps. 

The idea that Sir Beer and his pudgy gammon face is already measuring the curtains of No 10 is already having a positive effect with the gap closing and Rishi’s popularity improving.

Rishi's own party are considering whether the time is right for Truss to come back.  Lol that you think this is anything but the greatest labour landslide in history, for any party. And it's not because of rishi - it's because of absolutely everyone around him, and the bickery fragmentation in the tory party. 

Which makes it even more important that you let us know what this career ending moment is that I didn’t catch, but which is presumably seared into the brain of every wavering voter to the extent that they could never consider voting labour as a result.

I mean, this has to be HUGE! the way you are describing it.

C’mon crypto.

Help a quizzer out.

When in 20 years time I’m in a pub and the question master asks ‘what did grant shaps say in Manchester in 2023 that ended keir starmer’s career’, I don’t want to be the only one who doesn’t know.

as if anything one party says at its annual conference can do any real damage to another party’s standing in the public eye

the public discount all political slanging by a factor of 100%, or 300% if it’s coming from tories at their silly conference

"I mean, this has to be HUGE! the way you are describing it."

It obviously is. In fact, there must be some sort of injunction, as I can't find a thing about it on the internet. This is going to be mahoosive. 

as if anything one party says at its annual conference can do any real damage to another party’s standing in the public eye



as if anything one party says at its annual conference can do any real damage to another party’s standing in the public eye

damage, maybe not; improve its standing, on the other hand... 

(courtesy of the Indy)

There were cheers from the hundreds who managed to make it into the grand room in the Midland Hotel when they were reminded [Truss] was elected by party activists, rather than Sunak, who was victorious among MPs.

Ms Truss urged members to “unleash their inner conservative” after calling for corporation tax to be cut to 19% at least and to slash Government spending.

“Let’s stop taxing and banning things,” she told the packed room.

“Let’s instead build things and make things. Let’s be prepared to make conservative arguments again, even if it’s unpopular, even if it’s difficult. I want everybody in this room to unleash their inner conservative.

“And finally, my friends, let’s make Britain grow again.”


The best recruiting sergeant for Labour ever...  though a couple other attendees could give her a run for her money ... 


(again courtesy of the Indy) 

She was joined at the Great British Growth Rally by allies and former Cabinet colleagues Dame Priti Patel, Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg and Ranil Jayawardena.

Sir Jacob continued the tax-cutting, deregulating motif, also calling for tariffs and checks to be slashed to boost trade.

“I want hormone-injected beef from Australia,” he said, as he called for cheaper food.

“I’ve eaten beef in Australia, it was absolutely delicious, there’s nothing wrong with it and they should be allowed to export it here because we want lower costs.”

Nigel Farage, the prominent Brexiteer who was also in the audience and making supportive comments about Ms Truss, saw the rally very much as a pitch for her to once again become Conservative leader.

Mr Farage told PA: “She’s absolutely right on the big stuff – I’m slightly sceptical on the housing."


She’s very popular with the members. 

Good.  Yet another coup attempt, ideally replacing Sunak with the tozza members' dream team - Truss/Priti/Braverman/Rees-Mogg (PM/Chancellor/Home/Foreign) - would seal the Natural Part of Government's fate.  

and re the OP, it's hardly a "Kinnock moment" when he hasn't done anything.  An MP in a different party making a stupid remark about him isn't the same thing at all. 

No, she wasn’t given enough time to allow things to settle after the mini-budget or implement meaningful small state Toryism. 

quite rightly, because she's insane. Her colossal mistakes had to be dealt with asap.