Sanctions against Iran

These also need to be ramped up massively. 

Not just for what they are doing for Russia which should have been enough on its own, but also for their obvious support for Hamas. 

Worth a look at what South Africa have been up to as well in my opinion.

i don't kno enough about sanctions 2 kno if this is a stupid q, but fook it: wot more sanctions r left that we can ramp up? i would have thought they r already pretty stringent

I don't know either but if there are more levers we should pull them 

I thought we'd eased off a bit with prisoner exchanges and allowing civilian purpose yellow cake enrichment.

at this stage, i am beginning 2 think we need 2 b investing in a clandestine assassination programme

i detest killing ppl, but at this stage it feels like it’s either murder some of the leadership or end up with masses of civilians dying in war or horrifically oppressed (both of which seem ultim7ly 2 benefit the leadership by consolid7ing their power)

and don’t get me wrong i accept killing putain or ali khamenei would b really hard. but it doesn’t have 2 b them - it just needs 2 b disruptive at a senior level. with plausible deniability. 

and i also get the fear that it might make these places more unstable and increase the danger and i would have bought that c.5 years ago, but frankly right now it’s difficult 2 c how that can b the case

the reality is hamas is probably controlled by c.a dozen powerful men who have basically inflicted hell upon their fellow palestinians. 

got 2 b worth a shot. if u will pardon the pun.

a quick google suggests mossad r already well on top of that shit with hamas

but i am speaking more broadly. and it shouldn’t just b on israel 2 rid the world of the small number of violent sociopaths who r largely responsible 4 misery in this world

The US has moved a carrier group into the area to deal with any large scale shit and to deter any opportunistic escalation, but mossad and the IDF will probably be capable of dealing with the immediate threat from Iran. They aren't suicidal. Hopefully 

playftse4me09 Oct 23 22:49

I don't know either


great starting position as ever

I think a push internationally to designate the IRG as a terrorist organisation would be a good start and inconvenience the people we want to inconvenience without strangling the people who are unhappy with the iranian regime

Sumo I don't need to know which sanctions we haven't yet imposed to be abem to say that those that are in place are not sufficient. 

The sanctions that haven't yet been imposed that would stop Iran supplying guns, RPGs and other rockets to Hamas, Wagner and Russia are the ones we should be imposing.