Pope Vladimir

Was a little surprised to hear the Pope backing the Russians when it comes to Ukraine.

Putin is quite good at appealing to conservatives, he learned early on that the west would turn a blind eye to him blasting fcuk out of muslims and he's played on that for years to pretend he's some sort of defender of christian values

hilarious that's he's now a full on vassal of china when so many thought russia would be a bulwark against the chinese 


It's the Catholic church (global religion), not the Church of England (national sect).  

I'm not a fan of Pope Francis - and I doubt John Paul II would be taking this line on Ukraine vs Russia - but, you know, most of the world is neutral on Russia vs Ukraine.

I'm not a fan of Pope Francis - and I doubt John Paul II would be taking this line on Ukraine vs Russia - but, you know, most of the world is neutral on Russia vs Ukraine.

Rule 69: Ignore everything before the but. 

He could have said something like, "The loss of lives is tragic. We certainly hope and pray that when a GENUINE opportunity for peace presents itself, Ukraine would be open to it. Allahu Akbar!"