Out for lunch at the local
Anonymous (not verified) 18 Mar 20 13:48
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And I'm the youngest person here by at least two decades.

These oldies seemingly don't give a fvck about the vuvu

same here, I look outta the window and there's elderly people everywhere


I'm staying inside to protect precisely these people. are they tired of life? do they wanna see the hospital from the inside for longer, is life outside the hospital maybe less entertaining?

In the gym/sauna/swimming pool I go to I would say 50% of people there have been 60+ but it's been really empty compared to normal. So yeah - all the self-isolating people are the ones who are least likely to be harmed by it! I don't understand what's going on this is getting so weird.

We’ve notices the same thing. Laura Ashley was full of boomers hoping for fire sale bargains.

Fair play to them. They have more at stake than most. Iam wondering whether theh will be quite so blase if/when it starts to get going properly in the UK.

Unless you are over 80 or otherwise seriously ill/frail the risk of popping out for a bite to eat is still pretty bloody low to be honest. If you are over 80 or otherwise ill/frail you may well take the view that you have absolutely no idea how much time you have left anyway so you are going to enjoy today.

Coracle, total non sequitur but thanks for pointing me to that American Elections podcast. Best thing I’ve found on the internet for ages.

The problem Donny is when you take that cavalier attitude, get the vuvu, become hospitalised and take a bed and/or ventilator which someone vulenerable might otherwise have used.

Laz - you're welcome.

If you get bored/run out of them they've done quite a few other series that may be up your street - you'll no doubt get loads of trailers for them. There's one called the Dating Game (the US version of Blind Date) about a contestant who was a serial killer that has just started. There are others about law  (Legal Wars - covers Hulk Hogan v Gawker, the Scopes Monkey Trial etc), business (We Crash), American Scandal (Enron, BALCO, Elliot Spitzer, Tuskegee syphilis trial, Epstein etc - I'd recommend the Hare Krishna Murders season).

However the best series I've listened to was the Slow Burn podcast Slate did on Watergate. It was a couple of years ago but that is so up your street I can't believe you haven't already listened to it. Twice. Highly recommended.