Nobody wants to pay more for the NHS shocka

Because people think they’re broke enough already. Wake up.

It's not that silly if they worked all their lives paying NICs from leaving school to taking an old aged pension and they're still paying income tax on the pension they draw down in their last few miserable years where the NHS pilots them toward their inevitable slow painful death.

I’m sure that there would be lots of votes for a party that is finally honest and says that there is no magic money tree, and that if we want better public services, a stronger defence and more resilience in energy supply etc. we just need to pay about 5p extra in income tax.

I’d deffo vote for the Honesty Party.

The issue is caused by the fact that these Tories have such complete contempt for their constituency. The effect of which now is that they’ve alienated most of the electorate. Nobody is going to vote to be poorer. That was Brexit. 

we just need to pay about 5p extra in income tax.

We only need sufficient taxation to remove enough money from the economy to control the inflationary pressures of government money creation. Doesn't need to be income tax - there are lots of ways it could be done. 


Or we could just tax wealth rather than income

This and also turning off the corruption tap that the Tozzas have opened full bore. Why has Hester given them £15m in an election cycle they are certainly going to lose hmmm?

The problem is that even if there were a large enough constituency of people who would happily pay significantly more tax for significantly better services, there is an almost total lack of faith that any politicians would be able to deliver the necessary changes without variously fvcking it up or creaming it all off for their mates.  

The main issue is the fallacy that national insurance is sufficient to pay for health services and pensions.  The reality is that it only ever was when people only lived for a few years beyond pension age and only received palliative care at the very end of their lives.  It leads people to believe that they have paid in enough to cover their pensions when the reality is that they haven't even remotely done that.