Next Tory leader

I’d say the main runners include Boris, Rory and Suella. 

who cares? will be a total irrelevance whoever they are, to a generational, perhaps historically unique extent

step up step up and be chosen as roadkill!

the main difficulty will be deciding how to choose a leader without any MPs to select from 

The next leadership election will be existential for the Party. The traditional Tory wing must win it. Hunt and Mordaunt are the only credible candidates and they will need to stuff their Shadow Cabinet full of elder statesmen from the Lords. Also, seek advice from Major, Clarke etc on how to repair the damage. 

Having seen how popular (and effective) the right wing of the party is in government, their only chance is to purge the party.  Given the views of the membership aren't about to change, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see the Tories going the way of the Liberals over the next couple of decades.

What Wonckworth said. 

What the UK needs is a right of centre communitarianish party that is not wrapped in quasi-religious English nationalism.  So sometime marginally more sensible than the Tories of the Major/Heseltine era but updated for the UK of today which has devolution and a more diverse population.

That could have been the LibDems, but the LibDems themselves are a problem because the party is dominated by public sector and third sector people and the membership of the party is horribly undiverse and, for want of a better word, twee.

Rory and Boris are not even MP's and as far as I am aware have no intention of standing at the next election ffs.

Cameron is most likely now. He will be given a safe seat at the next election (if there are any!) and then take over once Rishi goes. 

What the UK needs is a right of centre communitarianish party that is not wrapped in quasi-religious English nationalism

That's just about the last thing we need. 

We need a sensible centrist party that it is wrapped in English nationalism. Unionism has had its day. 

Agree with Donny.  Cameron is unlikely to have come back to be Foreign Sec for a year.  Foreign Sec is a great platform from which to remind, or perhaps convince, the electorate that he's a proper statesman.  Despite some terrible decision making, he's associated with a much more stable period in British politics.

There are plenty of moderate members but unfortunately the way the leadership elections have worked has given undue influence to a handful of mad MP's.  Hopefully some of them will stand down before the election and be replaced otherwise I'm voting for that sheep they just rescued from a Scottish island.

you lot seem to be forgetting the members have the final choice.   It is always going to be a right wing loon unless MPs present them with a choice of two saneos.    They wont do that.

Rory more likely to be the leader of a new party that emerges from the ashes of the tozza meltdown than to ever go back. He has moved further to the centre since his ousting. 

I think Rory will end up in the Labour party myself or possibly the man to resurrect the LDs.  He was only ever a Tory by background rather than genuine belief.