Lunch with the FT interview series (in the Weekend edition)
Sir Woke XR Re… 18 Oct 23 22:07
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a quiet read of this over a coffee is one of the week’s real highlights 

I’m generally disappointed by how abstentions the interviewees are tho

Can anyone remember an edition where the lunch pairing got absolutely smashed? I think the series will only be complete when interviewer and interviewer go on a bender and end up shagging in a karaoke booth

You might need to go back a few decades. 

Something like this?

’We started off with big gin and tonics in his local bistro, then a very great deal of wine, and then, at about five o’clock, he was drinking triple brandies with one swallow. And then, as I was staggering out, he was ordering gin and tonics. It was all going to start again, for him. I swear that lunch took me four or five days to recover from. But I’m sure he went back, wrote a symphony, finished a novel, and then did the housework.’

A boozy lunch that goes into the evening is one of working life’s great things. 

The moment when everyone tacitly goes “phuq it, I’m not going back to my desk” and orders another bottle of wine is the best.

Not being able to put your out of office on from your phone is a big flaw. (Anyone who pipes up to tell me how to do this would be welcome.)

I am sure there is a story of Keith Floyd having a lunch with a journo that started in London and finished a day later in Paris but I can’t find it online. 

And you can put an out of office on from your phone. You go to settings then mail, then accounts select the account and you’ll see it there. At least on an iPhone set up to work with outlook. 

Abdulrazakh Gurnah, novelist, 8th September 2023, seems to have had wine while waiting for the interviewer, wine as a starter and wine as pudding, and to have encouraged the journalist to do likewise, which is nice. 

This week’s with the bloke who used to run CNN but hasn’t done so for 18mths, and is now CEO of a media investment fund - but who didn’t want to discuss any companies he might buy, any he didn’t want to buy, the circumstances of his departure from CNN or his successes at CNN - was dull as fvck.

Christine Lagarde the week before was good