Looking to the future, is there any guarantee we'll be able to drive
Lord Heh of Lo… 02 Oct 23 22:45
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...from London to Manchester?


How long before the M6 starts falling apart and some Tory bright sparks say "The M6 is a white elephant. There are so many better ways to spend £xbn".


You make laugh and say I'm being silly, but part of you knows it would not take much for the lightweight Tory grifters to start parroting this line.

I bet Labour are happy that it’s the Tories cancelling HS2.

It’s long been a stupid project, but no politician wanted to be the one who cancelled it and wrote off all the sink costs.

Levelling up agenda cancelled, further momentum now for the complete ERADICATION of conservative MPs from places they have no business being, like Stoke and Lancashire. Combined with DEMOLITION in the urban South, they’ll be lucky to take more than minus fifty seats.

What Clergs said. It isn’t a stupid project at all, as anyone who has ever attempted to travel using the west coast main line can tell you.

What’s been stupid is the absurd process of trying to build it, Series of endless inquiries to ensure it went around or under every bumptious tory squire’s favourite apple tree between here and Glasgow, not that there are any tory squires north of the watford gap obv. It’s cost and complexity ludicrously inflated by our ridiculous planning system. And then the staggering lack of resolve about doing it once approved, same as infects every british infrastructure project, not least the third runway.

There’s no political capital at all in cancelling anythintg, ever, so this is all just another nail in the government’s coffin, Labour should immediately respond with a promise to reinstate and extend to inverness 

We should have built a high speed network all at once and across the country.   London to Cardiff, Cardiff to Birmingham, London to Birminham, Birmingham to Manchester/liverpool and Birmingham to Leeds on to Edinburgh/Glasgow.  We should have done it early and we should have done it properly and we should have done it by employing contractors directly in the French way so we could do it at less than 10 times the price it costs the French (who do it without making private pockets billions in the process)

The Spanish built a high speed network from nothing in about 10 years, the Chinese even quicker.  We are fannying around for ever and will be left with a pointless route between two cities that are quite close together anyway already better served for train services than any other route.