If the Tories ousted Sunak and installed Badenoch (in a coronation not a contest) who then called an immediate general election...
You With The Face 18 Mar 24 10:08
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...do you think the Tories would do better or worse than if they left Sunak to call it in due course?

Not asking which out of Sunak or Badenoch you loathe least, just which scenario would leave the Tories with fewest seats.

They would do worse under Badenoch. She doesn't have much name recognition amongst the wider electorate and it would just add to the sense of chaos and confusion. Although he is unpopular I don't think Sunak massively drives core tory voters away as such and anyone who is not a core tory voter ain't voting tory this time. 

Four PMs in a single term (where none of them has died) looks really bad. Like really bad. Three doesn’t exactly look great tbf but yet another pm imposed on the country without an election is just taking the piss and they would take a fearful battering

Telegraph readers keep saying that Sunak is too left-wing, and most of them supported her, so it's a no-brainer really. 

On the Left of the Party, everyone has bailed by now anyway, and is in no danger of returning, so there would be nothing to lose. 

I think they might do slightly, but not materially better 

I think Badenoch is better at politics than Sunak (that's a low bar granted) and has better supporters in the Tory party (i.e. Gove) and a snap election would let her make some play for a change on the Tory side - she might manage to woo back some core voters

it would still be a bloodbath for the tories but maybe not an apocalypse 

Which is precisely what doesn't need to be done.  Need to move back to the centre and take votes off Labour and the Lib Dems rather than worrying about a niche party which may end up with three or four MP's.

She is an utter whackadoo and should be kept as far away from power as possible.

The work experience lad is weak, out of touch and just generally terrible at politics but she is actually evil.

Whatever benefits they may get from not having Sunak would be outweighed by having their FOURTH leader since the last election  - having three is already a huge weakness for them, making it four would be madness.  Would just confirm to the voters that even after Bozo the liar and Truss the lunatic the incompent tory leadership has continued.

Dux I think you're wrong.  I quit because of their insistence on gearing policy to keeping a small minority of members and MP's happy.  If they'd just tell that lot to feck off to Reform and be done with it I'd happily rejoin.  I'm certainly not the only person I know who is similarly minded.

Re sense of chaos, on Today this morning Henry Zeffman mentioned that Penny M stood in "both the 2022 leadership elections". I was still half asleep and I must confess I had a brief dopey "huh?" moment before remembering the absolute shitshow that is the state of the Conservative party and its w**kerphile, sorry, rank and file members.

As to the OP, it's guesswork as to who would win/would have won more seats at the G. But thinking of polling data, I wouldn't expect installing Badenoch as PM to result in any improvement in the Tories' position. In fact, I would probably expect a further drop.

What the Tories (or a significant section of them) don't seem to get is that the voting public is sick of the whole lot of them and simply changing the face will do nothing to rehabilitate the rotten, rancid brand.

Sails I think the question of how many people there are who would still vote for the 2024 Tories but who would be put off by the kind of more extreme evil that Badenoch represents is an open one.

I am quite sure she would bring votes back from Reform. 

I doubt it, because (to paraphrase Ali G) "cuz she's black".  Exactly the sort of person the likes of Lee Anderson want their country back from.  The Wrong Enoch.  

But it'd be hilarious if the Tories tried it.  No real charisma, not (from what I've seen) a standout performer at the dispatch box, likely to have her culture-war zeal trip her up in all sorts of ways politically.  Bring it on.  

It wouldn't surprise me if the Mordaunt thing is some kind of plot concocted by Sunak's lot to make PM4PM and any potential supporters declare their loyalty.  Meanwhile the country sinks ever deeper into the toxic mire of Tory cuts/incompetence/civil war... 

She would stem some of the leakage to Reform, but at the expense of even more moderates, so it’s probably a wash on that front. 

The Tories turning in on themselves for another bout of blood-letting would be catastrophic at this stage. Surely someone at Tufton Street is doing the calculus on this in terms of how another change in Leader is going to land with the electorate.

FWIW I can’t see it getting to that. If Rishi has any sense he’ll nip it in the bud and just call a May election. It will be a massacre, but at least a dignified exit rather than having to front the chaos whilst the beauty contest from hell plays out behind him. 


If Sunak is not going to call an election we might as well all have a laugh for a few months as they elect leader after leader and try and turn things around. Give everyone a week to have a go and let’s get the popcorn in. 

Also has the advantage of distracting the party from actually doing anything disastrous like Rwanda before they’re binned.

I do wonder if there will be a coup. Nobody with options wants to be the next leader of the tory party but being PM for 5 minutes (and so getting the lifetime expense allowance and international profile etc) might soften the blow a bit. 

Worse without a doubt. They would look staggeringly even more preposterous and wallyish than they already look and would be absolutely rinsed by the mainstream elextorateZ Nobody to the left of laurence fox is going to vote for Vadenoch.

The Tories could launch a "We Stole All Your Cash You Pathetic Povvo aunts - fook You!" ad campaign and not change the number of seats they will win. They are more done than Hugh's mum.