If people got sacked for anti-semitism in the same way that "woman = adult human female" got people sacked
Hotblack Desiato 25 Oct 23 19:32
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30% of you would just have lost your jobs.


aaaaaaand back on planet earth, the answer is….

not that many people would get sacked for either 

tell us again how saying “free Palestine” is anti semitic m88 go on

Hotblack Desiato 25 Oct 23 19:32

30% of you would just have lost your jobs.


yeah, here's the reason that so few people support israel a week after it suffered a full blown atrocity, fcuking idiots screaming that there are always 2 sides and only 2 sides to any story, goodies v baddies, red team v blue team!


it should be perfectly possible to be horrifed that 1500 civilians were massacred by rampaging proxy arseholes that could never stand up to a real army

at the same time as being horrified that a suppose western democracy is strangling a population and bombing it fairly indiscriminately to fcuk

you can see from space that not integrating palestinians into israel and leaving them to rot in a shit hole than needs 100 aid trucks a day to keep it going causes this and will continue to cause this


Bertha26 Oct 23 05:48

Oh your race has been in unresolved mortal conflict with another for thousands of years


I think everyone's has, or else the wikipedia "wars" section has a lot of explaining to do

The “unresolved mortal combat” bit is not quite true. Muslims and Jews lived fairly peacefully together for centuries until the rise of Arab nationalism circa 19th century (a response to Western colonialism in North Africa etc) when Jewish people became more aligned with Europeans.

The “mortal combat” bit really only applies post WW2 and the reasons for that are not difficult to understand at all.

Oh your race has been in unresolved mortal conflict with another for thousands of years, has it? I’m so sorry, I thought you were British. 

And here we go, right on cue - Jews aren't British, and Palestinians aren't either. So where does that leave Asians or Blacks? FFS.

The comment is directed at laz. But let’s see how this current shitshow plays out in the first world shall we? For all the handwringing on here about wars abroad, nobody here has yet been directed affected by any of this senseless carnage. And let’s hope things stay that way. 

For all the handwringing on here about wars abroad, nobody here has yet been directed affected by any of this senseless carnage. And let’s hope things stay that way. 

Lol, if only reality worked this way