The Gentlemen

E1 down. 


Holy shitballs, this is Ritchie's best work. 

I enjoyed ep 1.  I love the fact he puts vinny jones in.  I wonder if that's how he begins any script?

A bloke.  He looks a lot like vinnie jones...

It is very by the book. He hasn’t had to search for new inspiration along the way. 

Gypsies - check

Posh chaps with shooters - check

Vinnie Jones - check

Drugs trade - check

Amusing regional gangsters - check

Unlicensed boxing - check

The episode with the neighbouring lord and his collection of nazi memorabilia and Hitler artwork is basically the 6th Marquess of Bath (and former Tory MP), who has the largest collection of genuine Hitler paintings on earth. 

It does get surreal at times and I'm not sure about the yellow writing on the screen which explains relatively simple transactions but doesn't appear when things become more convoluted.

Yes it's enjoyable nonsense rather than any attempt at gritty reality.  For starters I think the neighbours would have noticed if back in the day we'd excavated under the cow sheds and brought in hundreds of tons of concrete.