This exact thing is why I didn't see the reason for getting excited over the supreme court judgment

Honestly not sure why they are so obsessed with it. Do they really think it’s going to save them? How many people are thinking “well - I was going to vote Tory, but now they’ve had that Supreme Court defeat on Rwanda…maybe if they did some primary legislation about it, then I’d vote for them again” 

“Send asylum seekers to Rwanda!” was rightly considered by everyone to be a fooking bizarre suggestion not that long ago, and now the government is going to pass a law to force the highest court in the land to let them do it? Meanwhile ambulances don’t come. fooking. Mental.

Let’s piss on the relationship between the judiciary and the executive by passing a law forcing them to disregard their own judgements, so that we can eke out an extra 2.8% of the arsehole vote. 

They've still got to get this mental policy through parliament 

There are even few right minded Tories but surely they will vote against? Unless it's a VONC but who the fook would stake their political career on this stupid policy?????

Well Tories I guess 

They really are scum politicians

It's a shite policy, why not spend the same money on processing asylum seekers. Just an idea