Dislike button - shall we get rid of this now - VOTE

A failed experiment in social media engineering breeding disharmony 

Before dispensing with if if that’s the concensus, it would be very interesting to retain it but simultaneously disclose the identity of those who use it to display thumbs down. I’m sure the functionality is there within the system. 

octoman 18 Mar 24 08:22

A failed experiment in social media engineering breeding disharmony 


isn't this RoF's statement of vision and values?

They should do a weekly digest of posts and a premium account would reveal identities.

  • You have received [x] upvotes in the last week
  • You have received [xx] downvotes in the last week
  • Your most frequent upvoter thumbed you up [xxxx] times (go rof premium to find out who it is)
  • Your posts were reported into oblivion by risky sockpuppets [xxxxx] times