The cost of a train from London to Newcastle these days

Jf actual c

Is this payback for the COVID mayhem or because the government is enforcing high fares?

Travel in the UK is insanely expensive now. It’s all part of the squeeze on ordinary people’s living standards to enrich a parasitic class.  Car hire, flights, fuel. Just mental all of it. 

Don't worry, Boris announced a rebadged National Rail and called it Great British Railways so that will bring prices down soon enough and make them faster and cleaner.

You didn't provide the day you are travelling, but yes if you are quite specific about when you need to travel then the tickets can be more expensive. Dynamic pricing is a function of our rail services since privatisation regardless of who is running the line. It is shit.

Isn’t one of the reasons travel is so expensive is more of the ticket cost is borne directly by the traveller than by the state/taxpayers via subsidy? 

Isn’t one of the reasons travel is so expensive is more of the ticket cost is borne directly by the traveller than by the state/taxpayers via subsidy?

If that is the case then they should increase the subsidy. Yes, that means that I as someone who commutes infrequently by train will subsidise someone who commutes frequently by train. Don’t care - it’s in everyone’s interest  for the country to have decent and affordable public transport.