The Charity - Endometriosis South Coast

Have appointed a 72yr old trans-woman as there new CEO.

That's an operational role, why shouldn't they?  You don't have to be disabled to be the CEO of Scope, blind to run the RNIB or an orphan to run Barnardo's.  She isn't the advocate for endo based on her life experience.

Storm in a very small teacup.

not sure i care to be honest.

It is an interesting foil to the guy who employed as like council period officer or whatever it was - would be good to know where the line is drawn on current lived experience of a matter to lead in a space version simply being ok at running an organisation. 

i know that due was basically a huge example of cronyism/nepotism in the end, but that wasnt the issue at first instance. 

This does smell of transphobia tbh. The question should be how are real women prejudiced by this appointment? They aren’t.

PS I know saying ‘real women’ is transphobic.

I believe the actual issue is not the appointment (though it makes for splashy click bait headlines) but more the charity’s moronic statement on its website that she was astonished that no medical practitioner had mentioned endometriosis to her until she was 40. The fact it was mentioned then is even more remarkable to me. 

"That's an operational role, why shouldn't they?  You don't have to be disabled to be the CEO of Scope, blind to run the RNIB or an orphan to run Barnardo's.  She isn't the advocate for endo based on her life experience."

True, (although I think that some life experience even of menstrual pain and how crippling it can be wouldn't exactly be a hindrance in a job like this) but I wonder how many, for example, prostate cancer charities, or organisations dedicated solely to men's sexual health, such as an organisation dedicated to reducing the stigma around erectile dysfunction and educating people as its causes, are run by biological women...

Of course, it's all about merit, but I am really struggling to believe that no similarly well qualified biological woman applied, and assuming one did, then choosing to appoint a trans woman to the role does seem especially provocative.

Comer on warlord, give us your "crash course on the history of transgenderism".  No doubt it will be just as accurate as your "A crash course on the history of the 'Palestine State'" and will take account of all the current medical science on trans people

Cru, it is a tiny tiny charity and it’s very probable that yes she is the best available candidate.

I note that the charity’s twitter account is now private. No doubt the usual suspects who Just Want To Protect Women have been doing their usually bullying tactics.

Prostate cancer is a great charity and doing excellent work. I support it readily. 

Yes Laura Kerby is CEO - so must be doing a great job. Most of the leaders are actually women. So clearly irrelevant.

Also as a side point, the govt should give far more money to prostate cancer given it kills so many people 

I didn't have a view on this but seeing it discussed on TV, my wife (who suffers with both endometriosis and adenomyosis) sees it purely as a diversity hire.

There's a man running the Period Dignity cause and another running a women's refuge charity.


My wife suffers with this condition and is raging about this.

I don’t have a problem with a man running a charity which supports women.  What I do have a problem with is a man who has openly threatened violence against women if those women express their views running a charity supporting women.  I also have a problem with a man who struggles with the concept of sex being binary and immutable running a charity supporting women, because only women can suffer from this condition.

Since his appointment, the website of the charity has this on their website


Also this isn’t a “proper” charity like Prostate Cancer UK, where having a CEO running a large organisation of either sex is entirely appropriate.  This is a charity with a turnover of £8k and the “CEO” role is unpaid.  As Warlord’s wife correctly asserts, this is just the captured NHS ecosystem making a point.

Endometriosis in the gender non-conforming population is a highly stigmatised and scary area of diagnosis and treatment.

“Whether biologists and medical experts have focused on sex-determining molecules, chromosomes, hormones, or internal or external genitalia, it has not been possible to agree upon a categorical definition” of sex because it is already entangled with socially agreed upon sex-related categories”

Fausto-Sterling & Sanz frame biological sex as

“a circular network that reproduces itself precisely because it has no clear referent”, meaning that there is no clear-cut definition of sex or gender they are intertwined bodily traits (Fausto-Sterling, 2000)

And focussing research and treatment plans on gendered constructs is not progressing either research or treatment.

The paternalistic categorising of endo as a cis woman’s disease has resulted in treatments that target the internal reproductive system which ignores other systems and sites of impairment, such as the bowel, diaphragm, lungs and bladder, despite the fact that pregnancy and menopause are not effective treatments (Jones, 2016).

The vast majority of writing on endo overlooks the fact that endo is not a condition that only effects women.

Sociologist Kate Seear (2018) frames endo as “perhaps the only global epidemic peculiar to women”.

Cara Jones argues that endo shouldn’t be considered a gynaecological disorder and called a gendered disability. They also document the barriers that trans, and gender non-conforming people face, including having to face ignorance and hostility from clinicians that are supposed to help them.

The gendered language associated with endo is steeped in racialised and heterosexist stereotypes of female passivity.

By using this language ignoresimportant scientific contributions of feminists Elaine Denny and Dr Annalisse Weckesser and transgender science studies researchers Cara Jones, essentialising those who meet the criteria centred on traditional gender roles that exclude and neglect others.

The true prevalence of endo in cis women is unknown and still only an estimate currently at 10% of reproductive age women affected.

The prevalence of endo is uncertain, with current estimates lacking confidence due to lengthy diagnosis times and not being investigated fully in the gender diverse and transmasculine populations where prevalence rates are unknown (van Trotsenburg, Meriggiola & Luikenaar, 2022).

In a study conducted by (Ferrando, Chapman & Pollard, 2021) on 67 trans men who had undergone hysterectomy, endo was histologically confirmed in 1 in 4 or 26.9% of cases which is higher than the 10% that is suspected in cis women.

In their meta-analysis of two studies (Okita et al., 2021) found that the pooled prevalence of endo was 25.14% which is over double what the prevalence is in cis-white females.

This begs the question of whether endo is higher on a population level in transgender patients, and what the reason is for this. This is something that there is, again as with all areas of endo research, very little research on at the moment.

Gender diverse and Transgender people have significantly greater health disparities than cis-gendered people (Reisner et al., 2019).

This is especially prevalent in gendered conditions, mental health and substance abuse (Fish, 2022). This is why it is so important for more research to be carried out in the gender diverse community.

However, as (Alpert, P., 1993) tells us optimal methods for engaging in this community and encouraging them to take part in studies have yet to be established.

This community has a hard time trusting in medical and scientific studies. Transgender researchers have identified and outlined ethical considerations when designing and disseminating research that include the involvement of community stakeholders, especially those that originate from underserved communities (Alpert, P., 1993).

Much of the treatment for endo can cause gender dysmorphia, as well as some of the symptoms of endo.

Menstruation in itself can be a traumatising experience for transgender people who have admitted to feeling unsafe using the men’s bathroom while menstruating (Defreyne, Motmans & T’sjoen, 2017).

Lunde (2021) tells us how healthcare professionals should be understanding and sensitive to how gender, as opposed to sex assigned at birth, can directly affect clinical practice, and potentially make diagnosis of endo a longer, harder and more traumatising experience for the patient.


GC wishes he was assigned some sex at birth. Just once 

I guess the point is, like anything, if the best candidate gets the job then they tend to be good at it

I can see why this particular appointment is raising eyebrows but hopefully it's been made purely on a best candidate basis 

Donations and support could come from persons!  

As you’ll see from their website, gendered language is hateful, and in fact harms trans patients, who are of course the priority here.


I did particularly love the bit where it said treating trans men for “endo” and not treating them for “endo” could both lead to dysmorphia.  It’s almost like whatever you do trans people will say the world is totally set against them.

the make it up as we go along trans ideologue loons are toe curlingly dumb and naive - calling endometriosis “endo” is somehow repugnant - it belittles the (very unpleasant) problem (as does the loons insistence that it affects people rather than women). what a waste of energy. 

I'm pretty sure that sufferers themselves refer to it as "endo", don't they?

They seem to in this collective, yes.

My wife doesn't and I've never heard it used before after her suffering from it for 20 years.  May be a new thing.

It's what Snoop Dogg used to call particularly potent marijuana (coming from the end of the bud).