Captain Tom betrayed

You could tell literally from her first public utterance that this grifting piece of schoite would stand as an examplar for all the rancid behaviour COVID brought forth.


Get this story done well before going after the people who stole public money during covid else it will just provide cover. How closely does Moron work with the tabs? Surely these grifters have only fessed to this to avoid further scrutiny??

Is it the mark of a person that, when faced with accusations of being a scumbag, they turn to *Piers Morgan* to help rehabilitate their public image...?  I mean, wot?


I don’t see anything improper and neither did the Charity Commission. As Hannah said “Sir Tom wanted them to keep the book profits.” nobody buying the books would think they were giving all the profits to the foundation. 

The family told Piers there was no suggestion that anyone buying the books thought they were donating to charity.

But last night that assertion was under scrutiny after it emerged the prologue of the autobiography, published in September 2020, made out it was raising funds for the Captain Tom Foundation.

It stated: “Astonishingly at my age, with the offer to write this memoir I have also been given the chance to raise even more money for the charitable foundation now established in my name.”

I don't have a copy of his memoir so don't know the context of this quote but cos it's the Sun they'll frame anything to maximise sleaze.  Can you pull a copy off your shelf, Crytpto, and just check if Capt Tom, then says, " But instead, I wish for the proceeds of the sales of this book to go to Club Nook Ltd and for my daughter to benefit from them etc" ?

Entirely reasonable that she should want to be paid for managing the charity.

But what justification does the greedy cow have for awarding herself an £85,000 salary?

these people are greedy opportunists but very typical of the country and media to round on this family while brushing under the carpet the billions upon billions the mates of the Tory party profiteered from Covid.

Entirely reasonable that she should want to be paid for managing the charity.

But what justification does the greedy cow have for awarding herself an £85,000 salary


Rubbish. Wrong way round. 

£85k is a perfectly reasonable salary, but it shouldn't be paid to her. She was not only a recent trustee but a founding trustee, and the whole thing looks as if she set the whole thing up purely for her benefit. 

Terrible governance and grifting at its worst.

Covid made everyone behave like a complete fanny. Her story of woe is one of thousands. We just broke anything that wasn't already broken with a whole load of behviour that completely contradicted the standards and values of our society when it is ticking over normally.

Everyone going beserk with the fundraising. That in itself was weird. It reminded me of the whole of Britain putting flowers in Kensington Palace gardens after Diana died.  It was collective guilt and deflection dressed as grief.

Shouting at people in public. I remember some complete lunatic woman wearing a plastic bag on her head with eye holes and a breathing hole like Tesco Value IRA paramilitary complaining about people being too near her and swishing an umbrella (large golf size) around her like some demonic broadswoard to clear a 2m circumference. That's not ok Mrs Weirdo.

Clapping everything rather than actually solving anything.

Fraud led by government. Once leadership is bent everyone's bent. It was ok to be on the make. Boris said so. Rules are for breaking.

She was a wrong un but where do you stop in this purge. It was all fooked and has fooked everything downstream. They've shagged education, society, the economy, prospects of growth, working culture, basic human decency, values. Absolutely fooked.

Judge her and those around her that let this happen - one day you're an old man's daughter, next you're sitting on a cash pile with no clues as to the rules of conduct, then you're a criminal, yeah - but if you do so then you have a long list of the rest to get through and you probably should start further up the foodchain. 


When are they going to prosecute the then Government's cabinet members?  

Wasnt there a second daughter? That side of the family never seemed to want the limelight. Hannah says 'the family' got the £ 800,000. Wonder if it was both sides.

Also wasnt Hannah in PR? She did a good job promoting her dad. However, she moumentally mucked up post that.

some complete lunatic woman wearing a plastic bag on her head with eye holes and a breathing hole like Tesco Value IRA paramilitary

Sorry but heh at this.

I remember being yelled at for passing too close to a lady walking her dog outside. Dark times.

In a lockdown I cycled past a guy's house as he was stood in his garden.  Rural setting, about to start a hill climb.  He shouted at me Get off that bike you shouldn't be out endangering people's lives.  He was the size of a bus.  Mad times indeed.

very early in LD1 I was scooting (yes, that's right, scooting, on my adult-sized two-wheeled kiddy-conveyance-frame, what of it?) to the butchers, when some turbo weapon, standing in the middle of the pavement - perhaps so that he could maintain 2 metres from his wife who was perusing the display in an estate agent's window - flagged me down just so that he could criticise me for not keeping 2 metres clear of him.

yeah, so what everyone said about mad times.