Braverman latest

‘The British people are compassionate.’

Hmm well less so after 13 years of tozza rule and the increasingly desperate  populist dog whistling that has accompanied it but let’s park that for now.

‘We will always support those who are genuinely homeless.’

Well, the word ‘’genuinely” rings alarm bells but I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt for now, after all it’s a tweet about people who literally do not have a roof over their heads, how bad can a tweet from the actual Home Secretary be?

But we cannot allow our streets to be taken over by rows of tents occupied by people’

Riiiiight, slowly but surely losing it here. Receipts needed.

‘, many of them from abroad’

Ah now we’re getting to it.

living on the streets as a lifestyle choice.’

W t a f




She is the worst of the race to the bottom.  A husk into which all the alt right bile of the twitching corpse of UKIP putrefies.  The ghoulishness is abhorrent as is the failure to learn that the 1572 Vagabond Act can trace its outcomes to the welfare state.  Sue Ellen seems intent on the ear drilling and whipping aspects for masterless men.  Next up; begging licences. 

Been a long week for her after signing a joint illegal migrants bad statement with Austria. (yeah, that one.  You know with the buckets of Russian money and historic issues with its Jewish population)  Like she watched Sound of Music in reverse and thought the baddies were the ones rightly being made to sing for getting into Austria from Switzerland illegally.  By uniformed chaps just trying to keep their people safe and secure.

The BBC reports that she plans to fine charities for giving out tents. This is cartoonish evil to rival painting over Mickey Mouse murals in the asylum seeker reception centre because they were too welcoming to children.

know this - this is cruelty by design

the huge increase in homeless people is also down to the Home Office too - reducing the number of asylum seekers in accommodation by fast tracking the granting of refugee visas and kicking them out of accommodation on seven days’ notice. They get a shiny new visa permit then get turfed out into the street and told to apply for benefits (which requires a permanent address and takes 7-8 weeks to process).


According to some contacts of mine at the London Assembly, homelessness has doubled in London since August as a result of this


the result will be that many homeless legal immigrants will turn to crime (which then means the government can deport them…)