QualitySolicitors is poised to continue its rapacious march through the high streets of the UK after getting a private equity cash injection.

The investment, announced yesterday, will see Palamon Capital Partners, which has already invested in the professional services market, taking a majority stake in the QS managment company (although not in any of the member law firms themselves). So, congratulations to QS founder Craig Holt, who is presumably swimming in a pool of PE money (or possibly working himself to an early grave in the hope that QS manages to hit its targets before the fund flogs its stake to the highest bidder in three to five years).

    Coming to a high street near you soon

Although the precise amount of the cash injection has yet to be revealed, QS' plans for the future are bold: to increase the number of its branches from 200 to over 1,000 by the end of 2012. Speaking to Legal Futures Holt stated that the plan was to create a "Specsavers of the legal world". Which at least means plenty more work for QS E-list corporate shill Amanda Holden (despite her not particularly flattering views on the profession).

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