Caroline Flack v Kay McFarlane,

OK peeps, Kay was one of our own, let's raise  media tsunami for Kay... 

Modern day stresses culminating with the preverbial straw that breaks the camels back.

While both results are tragic, their lives leading up to them taking their own lives can only have have been filled with too much stress.

Modern life is too stressful for many people. There's little or no time to relax properly. Even going on holiday for some means they have to fill it with culture and sightseeing etc, rather than vegitating and reading a book. Doing some yoga. Giving their minds a rest as well as their bodies.

For example, and many of you could be guilty of this. Too many of my colleagues take their work phones on holiday with them, checking emails a few days before they come home, so they don't have a mountain to deal with on the first day back. That's not good practice.

I delete all the emails I get when I have been away. If it hasn't been dealt with while I was away and it is still important, they will send another. If it is really important, call me.

Er, wrong way round. People need to drive for their livelihoods etc. You can always just not drink. But it seems a bit trite to point that out when someone's just died.

you can get a bus

west coast scots are snobs about the bus, tho

an alcoholic can be compelled to drink

there is no such thing as caroholism

and it is not trite to point out that drink driving is an asshole's crime

verging on middle aged women

heh - she was 34

i don’t think u hit middle age until about 45 - i.e. the average age u no longer have the chance to have children and the same applies to men

Ok and she had some addiction issues it seems, but remember there may be people close to her that lurk here especially on a Friday, let’s try to take our judgey hats off on this subject for now?

Regardless of the circumstances surrounding this, she obviously had colleagues, friends and family so my heart goes out to them.

Delphi, middle aged is obviously not defined in statute (and some women get pregnant at 50 what a weird test) 

but at 35 you are halfway to 70 which is a normal age to die

i dunno wot the isis test is. but for me 35 is still reasonably young and i can’t really distinguish the age of most women 35-45 (or men) 

that’s a generalisation, yes, before u come back with some exception rhammers 

Scottish limits are stricter than England, so this would be more like 3 times over down here

Also pretty sure rational decision making on driving doesn't come into it if you're compelled to drink

It's a reference to her dying earlier than she should have. It's not a reference to whether she's old enough to take responsibility for her crime. Most people arent focusing on that now.

and that is the other thing. a lesson that no matter how shitty you are in life, if you are a chick and you off yourself everyone will say aw she was just a wee girl tho. 

when someone is killed in a car accident that is sad (for those left behind)

when they choose to kill themselves to escape judgement for a horrible thing they did, it is their choice 

If anything is infantile it's you wibbling about how she should go to jail for a year because she's done something that was a "dick move". When she's dead.

If people went to jail for being an asshole the whole of rof would be banged up, you would be first in line.

and 34 is young, but not too young to know fine well that drink driving is potentially if not actually dangerous.  She was running her own law firm apparently so if she's mature enough to do that, she's mature enough not to DD. 

oh shut up spurius you hysterical girlhands

people should go to prison for committing serious, selfish, life-endangering crimes

she should absolutely have gone to prison

instead she decided not to

her choice

I mean it is pretty unique in being a crime for which (absent fleeing a zombie horde or eating a mad Dundee cake) there is no reasonable excuse or explanation

"when they choose to kill themselves to escape judgement for a horrible thing they did, it is their choice"

That's an abhorrent thing to say. You deny that anyone could be in a weakened mental state and therefore not making reasoned or rational decisions. It is not always their choice. It can be the only way they can see an escape from their state of mind. 


I don't think suicide is an irrational choice for anyone.

I definitely don't think most suicides lack capacity to make decisions (ask any psychiatrist).

I think "I am going to kill myself" is not a reason to change the world around you. You either have to adapt or not adapt.

Heh. I can only assume you calling other people hysterical is deliberate trolling.

Your last post is a post which is unique in that there is no reasonable excuse or explanation.

I don't understand how hard it is to realise that when you're drunk your judgement is impaired (that's sort of the point...)

So decisions you make when drunk are obviously going to be non-ideal when compared to being sober. Otherwise nobody would ever have done something stupid when drunk

I also find the lack of basic empathy amazing

Have done in the past. Not now. If I had been caught, a bunch of wee radgy aunts throwing rotten vegetables and ensuring I went to jail because they had nothing better to do with their lives would have been an utterly pointless exercise.

so basically you are an arrogant arsehole who admits to having broken the law by committing the most inexcusable crime on the books and only "wee radgy aunts" could possibly want to see the great lord spurius punished for it

it wouldn't be pointless because if more people like you were sent down, fewer people would drink and drive

and fewer people would now be in long term care facilities having been injured by a drink driver (a much much worse fate than just dying)

name a more inexcusable crime

ok I guess you could have a brain tumour that inhibits your ability to make good decisions but those brain tumours are not that common

wibble - only people who have something entirely wrong with their brain would do that

it's not the act of a rational officeworker on their way home

drink driving, by contrast, is a choice by a sane individual to do something that could have completely horrific consequences

Thank fook you are not any kind of judge. Even the most minor kind. Especially the most minor kind.

Can imagine the judgment.

"Mr drink driver. You really are quite a piece of shit. I feel no compassion. See me perform my lack of compassion. Sadly the death sentence is not available to me accordingly I sentence you to life imprisonment. In summary, this was a dick move."

Clergs reaction to this lawyers suicide makes me think that she is jealous of not having the guts to follow through on her own plans when she was telling everyone she was thinking about ending her own life a while ago.

Why else would someone be so dissmissive of other peoples mental state when making poor/bad decisions.

"she is jealous of not having the guts to follow through on her own plans when she was telling everyone she was thinking about ending her own life a while ago"

this is one of the most disgusting things I've ever seen posted on here and the competition is fierce. 


struck off for drunk driving? Never. Not even for death by. And rightly not - doesn’t affect suitability to be a solicitor - could happen to anyone.

Clergs - Ms McFarlane was ill.  She had spent time at a residential unit trying to address her problems.  Her judgment was impaired before she got to the bottle.

You are not a good person.

Yes there is.  One of them is called alcoholism.  It causes you to do stupid things.

Stupid things for which you should be punished but also which should invite help for future avoidance, except in a society peopled by you apparently.

Chr1st some real barrel scraping stuff on this thread from multiple people. 

cant we all just agree that (a) drunk driving is very bad (b) being an alcoholic inevitably leads to some extremely poor decision making and (c) regardless of what someone has or hasn’t done, killing themselves is (I) not indicative of a healthy mental state and (II) extremely sad for all remaining family and friends and therefore not a time to be piling on?

Yes she was ill. That's very sad. So probably not fit to be practising. 

calling women witches because they contradict your predictable contrarianism doesn't make you look like the good guy you think you are FYI 

As to whether she had such poor judgement that she should not have been practising - judgement goes to competence which is policed by the law of negligence, and the risk dissipated by insurance. The SRA striking off process is largely limited to policing character. I don’t really think a drink driving rap says much about one’s character, in most cases.

Linda on issues like this m99 you are absolutely morally bent.

I agree with you about Warlord’s stinking comment above tho. What a fookwit