Is there such a thing as an honest farm shop?


In my (limited) experience of these places they are often overpriced and the produce is of poor quality. Fresh veg invariably needs copious washing.

Still, they make yummy mummy’s feel good about themselves.

The farm shop at Druid Temple farm by Inverness is pretty good.

And the community garden at Ardnamurchan.

Village Greens in Ockley (Butchers Hall in FG not been the same since Charles died).  Get the meat from Reg Chitty and the boys in Brockham.

The best ones are not advertised and are just known to the locals and sell produce grown on site or very close by.  The general stores that sell cheese, etc. are not really farm shops.

I hate to tell you but real fresh food does need copious washing.

I don’t think farm shops are really set up for people on a budget - if price is totally irrelevant (for example for a Dubai based lawyer) then the produce can be quite different and interesting. 

gammons and alt right freaks don’t like sustainable local level produce-buying

what a surprise to learn of Marshall Hall’s view on farm shops

You go in with thoughts of picking up a nice potato. You come out with some Turkish Delight, a Big Green Egg and a home appointment with the hot tub salesman. 

Spot the idiots who pay double price for crap stuff that requires washing to remove a bunch of shite when you get it home.

Performative feckwits, led by ROLF.

Farmers are pissing themselves at your complete idiocy.

I have boycotted one of our local farm shops on grounds of daylight robbery. £1.50 for a courgette and £13 for a macaroni cheese I could saw in the supermarket for £7. 

The farm shop in our village however is really good. 

I prefer the stuff that costs virtually nothing but needs washing because I just picked or dug it up 30 feet from my kitchen.  Now really must get someone in to do some deer culling as they’ll butcher it and it’s totally free.

There are a couple in the Lake District and Cornwall that are good. They often have delicatessens attached which are what a lot of these farmers markets are. 

Cowdray park near Midhurst. The estate farm shop is excellent. Meat particularly. The beef is black angus, grass fed, from the estate. Pork, lamb, chicken and Venison local. Veg is lovely. Expensive but worth every penny.