Dispatches tomorrow


This is pretty grubby by Channel 4.

"Let's fuel speculation on social media like wot happened wiv Huw, then ruin someone's life like we are the morality police."

If they have done something criminal, hand the details over to the actual police and focus on what yuo should be doing - commissioning a second series of Garth Merenghi's Dark Place.

It's obviously Brand and nobody will be the least bit surprised. The fact he is now a right wing provocateur (having stepped across from one end of the horseshoe to the other) will lead to risky types saying he has been stitched up by the leftist woke mob for having unacceptable views. 

This must be hell for the Daily Heil

  • We get to destroy a Celebrity!
  • but he's a right wing GB news sort!
  • We're gonna sell lots of newspapers on this!
  • but we have to say woke Channel 4 broke the story!

I can dimly remember there being stuff in the media about Russell doing bad stuff to women circa 2006 but it got hushed up 

No surprise to see it resurface now 

He's saying it's all a conspiracy but is an all round nutjob now for stuff like that 

True story 

About 15 years ago I was in a BBC audience

Got invited after some charity work 

After it I went for a drink in the VIP lounge bit and Russell Brand took quite a large interest in me 

I refused 

He walked off and cracked onto someone else 

He was a bit of knob but nothing but respectful 

Anyway, hope justice is done 

My only concern is that this will result in the "cancellation" of Neighbours episode # 8385, in which Brand makes a cameo appearance in Harold's cafe. The episode is quite an important one, as it's the one where Dee's evil twin sister Andrea breaks out of gaol and kidnaps Toadie's kid. 

In the case of Brand I applaud them. It makes up for some of the times I despise them.  
Can anyone here fathom how he acquired a fan club. What did Wossie for example see in him?

Someone at work said a few weeks ago she suspected something would come out about him, and turning into a right wing nut job, how he has over last year or so, was a deliberate strategy when it did come out.

No idea if that is true, but if it is, shows hes been expecting this to blow up for a while.

G’wan i agree, think the lurch to the right to carve a niche was deliberate and yes that video last night was very calculating. Been a fair few supporters out on twitter since then supporting him.

This seems to suggest that there’s no truth to be established one way or the other. If complainants have evidence then let that be investigated and all the usual considerations apply. That is the operation of law. 

Never understood the appeal of Brand. Utterly unfunny and utterly vile. Looks like he smells. 

Human perspective: Jesus Christ on a bike. 

Legal perspective: is this not being prosecuted?

I assume that as some of it was in LA the Americans will send him down for a very long time in a place with a long line of large gentleman who haven’t had sex for a while.

Tbh Jelly I am not really aware of most of the cock that people post on the internet.  Beyond rof and bbc news it just says "here be nutters" on my mental web map.

Wow. I thought he was an icon of the left! Are we sure he changed political views? As for the stuff coming out (and innocent until proven guilty of course) the courts can decide.

Wow. I thought he was an icon of the left! Are we sure he changed political views?

Yes, he's on your side now Lydia. For some reason he seems to think the far right will protect him from his misdeeds as long as he regurgitates your propaganda. Can't think why.