My son just came in to the office

So daddy your job is to take other people's work and then mark it?! *genuine abject horror on his face* Is that what you do in here all day

No darling, sometimes I also get to do the work and then other people mark it and sometimes I also speak to people about the marking.  

*completely deadpan serious* Daddy why would you do this forever?

It's OK though, he's got a plan to rescue me from this existential hell with his football career.  He's quite clear that we'll have to move to Liverpool but I'm down.

bless him. out of the mouths of babes... 


My 22 year old son really triggered my fury the other day when I went into autopilot about a woolly answer to an apparent work commitment in his diary, and I x-examined the bluster I was getting. He said "don't shit yourself, counsel, it's not a fvcking investigation and nobody's paying you for this".

Ouch.  Bastard.

I dread the day when they're sharper and more sarcastic than me muttley.  Dread it.  At that point I'll have to rely on the mutually-understood-but-never-expressed fact that I could still beat them up if I had to.  When that goes, it's game over.

the answer is "because all human life is toil and this is just about the sweetest toil to pound ration out there, kid, come back to me after you've been a chartered surveyor for 10 years"

My dad used to tell the tale of when I was young enough that the adults felt safe to talk over my head. They were all amused when I piped up (a propos of their discussion):

"I don't understand. If people don't want to have babies, why don't they just not have sex?"