Urgent work + school run = don't mess.

The SRA has rebuked Willkie Farr lawyer Boris Bronfentrinker following his conviction for dangerous driving.

The partner lost his rag while parked outside his daughter's nursery in 2019 and drove his Mercedes at a pedestrian.

Peter Bullen said he was trying to take a photo of Bronfentrinker's car positioned over the double yellow lines when the lawyer, who had been checking emails on his phone, "accelerated" towards him, and he had to leap out the way.

"I'm lucky I'm a sportsman, my reactions are pretty quick. I could feel the wind of it as it passed by my tracksuit bottoms", said Bullen.

Bronfentrinker, who was then a partner at Quinn Emanuel, told the jury he was attempting to drive around Bullen, and had only been travelling at two or three miles an hour. But the judge said he aimed at the man "to scare him".

Following Bronfentrinker's conviction, Judge Bartle said, "You did not, as you claimed", veer away from Bullen "immediately" or "after a short period forward go immediately into the road".

"He was standing in front of your car and you drove your car at him, and he would not have known what you intended to do. I'm sure he was scared by what you did", 

The judge concluded that Bronfentrinker did not intend to run Bullen down or injure him, although "he would not have known that", reported the Mirror.

The lawyer was fined £5,000 and disqualified from driving for a year, but probably won't struggle to find another £420 in respect of the SRA's costs incurred investigating the matter. 

The regulator said that by his conduct, Bronfentrinker "failed to behave in a way that maintains the trust the public places in him" in breach of the SRA Principles.

The partner, who moved into Willke Farr's London litigation and competition practice, was more measured in his response to provocation two years later, settling for a post on LinkedIn.

Willkie Farr did not respond to a request for comment.

Tip Off ROF


Anonymous 25 November 22 10:12

That Bullen character sounds like he deserved it to be fair.

The only thing worse than a traffic warden is someone who is so desperate to be a traffic warden that they'll do the job for free.

Dick West (not) 25 November 22 10:50

Please come back. I didn't mean those nasty things I said on LinkedIn and I miss you. xoxo

Proboner. 25 November 22 12:13

I'm struggling to understand why all the sympathy seems to be with the idiot behind the wheel and not the pedestrian who was driven at by him.

Mr Mercedes 25 November 22 12:36

I’ve always wondered what would happen if pre-keto Rebel Wilson mated with Kojak. Now I know. 

Childish Gambino 25 November 22 12:49

"I could feel the wind of it as it passed by my tracksuit bottoms" 

I love a good fart quote.

Anonymous 25 November 22 17:03

Remind again how the SRA's enforcement policy works. Ah I remember- randomly. Stick your finger in the air and see which way the wind is blowing. Still a good outcome for Boris

Fighter not a Lover 26 November 22 17:32

I'm just a bit surprised and disappointed personally. And generally about everything, but particularly that the car was moving so slowly and it didn't bloody hit him.

"I'm lucky I'm a sportsman" - I don't even know the ***t but I want to test his reaction time theory out with my [redacted] in his [redacted].

Anonymous 02 December 22 08:14

I've a neighbour like that. Loves to take photos of people who park outside of what they consider to be acceptable parking standards. Also takes great delight in checking the vehicle tax status of cars that belong to cars on the street that don't belong to a resident. I haven't invited him for a pint.

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