WFH club

Who else is in?

I'm on my second coffee of the day. One con call down. Nearly the weekend!

Just realised that the thing I have just done was not on the to do list I wrote yesterday, so obviously I had to write it down just so I could cross it off. I can't be the only one who does this, right?

I've got a team member who works half as much as I do and e.g. today isn't in. but I see she isn't online when she says she will be wfh

we call her part-time stephanie

I have worked an entire week in the office (apart from Monday) and am not happy about it. I haven’t got any of my personal admin or the washing done, and have had white sandwiches for lunch every day. And the coffee has been cat piss too. 

Do you all have a designated office space, or do you sweep the kids toys off the dining table?

I’m lucky enough to have a designated room. This provides the psychological separation from the sh*tstorm which is the rest of my life.

I also tend not to wfh on Friday as that is the day Mrs Gravy is at home with Jnr Gravy, in whose presence it is impossible to have exclusive use of a computer or telephone. 

Strutter I feel your pain.  I have had to drag myself in because a client wants to buy me a pint and a pie at lunchtime.  The huge manatee.

incidentally, that means I shall be 'loowards by about 3...

Desk is in the spare room but I need a new cable to connect my monitor up to the new laptop. So I'm between sofa and kitchen table.

Although I've spent most of the morning sorting my mother out. They've been trying to book a flight for over an hour though. I don't understand how this is possible.

Maybe she's just better at her job than you are.

I mean, you RoF a lot, so I think it's a little disingenuous to imply that if someone is offline they aren't working, but if they are online, they are working.

We all know that's not true.

She is probably not bitching about you on the internet, so in that respect she is almost certainly better than you. And she has probably never supported Tommy Robinson or the EDL either. So that's another thing.

And FAOD, I would have been thinking you need to mind your own business and get a life irrespective of the gender of the colleague whose work pattern you are obsessing over.

Well perhaps you should use the time you spend RoFing and the time you spend obsessing - sorry, thinking - about your colleague to do your own job better so you get promoted and can stop worrying about her.

I thought anna is in a relationship, not anymore it seems

why am I a waste of space as a boyfriend? how do you know that? we live together and intend to get married

and I post about stephanie cos people keep asking me questions!! how dare I critizise stephanie!

I am married.

You, as I recall, like to smoke loads of weed, mansplain makeup to your girlfriend, and generally fail at adulting.

I definitely typed, "What is she getting out of this relationship?" in response to one of your threads.