

The most pressing question in modern art has been answered: what if Picasso worked for Womble Bond Dickinson?

Over the last few weeks, the transatlantic firm has rolled out a rebrand featuring captivating cubist photo portraits of its lawyers.

The campaign’s tagline is “New problems, need new perspectives”, and if the new problem was “law firm marketing not weird enough” then Wombles discharged its brief with aplomb.

According to one of the models, the “thought-provoking” direction is “aimed at celebrating the diverse skills, interests, and experiences of our attorneys”.


“Oh dear”, said one solicitor when the first masterpiece was unveiled. “Who commissioned that!?!”

The perspective-defying marriage of headshot and profile left lawyers unsure whether WBD staff were now art, but they were agreed on one point: “Make it stop”.

Reviews focused on the headache-inducing qualities of Wombles’ efforts. “This ain’t it”, said one. “Messes with my head”, said another. “Aghhh”, and “that photo is twisting my melon”, said more.

“Me at 7 when I draw a side profile”, mocked one cruel critic.

Womble Bond Dickinson continued to follow its muse, however, and another Easter Island solicitor dropped the following week.


Then more.


The public remained unconvinced. “I’m really sorry but this pic freaks me right out 😩” said one viewer. “Same, hurts my eyes”, agreed another.

A chartered accountant was kinder, declaring, “This image concept is simply genius”.

Evem so, WBD has begun giving sitters' noses a more conventional aspect, and now the lawyers just look like they've suffered serious accidents with a meat cleaver.


The PR campaign failed to distract people from the firm’s entanglement with the Post Office Horizon IT scandal. Reacting to the hypnotic art, one commenter asked, “Is this the same Womble Bond Dickinson that acted for the Post Office when it tried to defeat the (ultimately successful) group litigation against it by 550 subpostmasters, wrongly accused of fraud? That Womble Bond Dickinson?”

WBD declined to comment.

Tip Off ROF


Anonymous 19 January 24 09:13


That’s what I think when I look at those pictures. 

However freaks is kinder than what I think when I think about the role Wombles played in the greatest miscarriage of justice in UK history. 

Anonymous 19 January 24 09:33







Quality Stuff 19 January 24 09:33

This must be a joke. No sane person could think this is good marketing. It'd be generous to compare this to a BTEC art project. 

Anonymous 19 January 24 09:38

Why has the SRA not investigated WBD for its outrageous behaviour acting for the Post Office? It is a perfect example of lawyers bringing the profession into disrepute. My belief is that it is due to them being inept and simply unable to cope with such matters.

Badwombles 19 January 24 09:44

[...] an expensive vanity project like this ain’t gonna save em. I (almost) feel sorry for the lawyers roped into being photographed. 


taking the picasso 19 January 24 09:46

What else you spend it on when got £60 million post office money burning a hole in your pocket? Oh I know give it back? Rather than half a face I always found Wombles partners to be two faced. 

Anon 19 January 24 09:50

 Appalling marketing campaign. Terrible visuals and meaningless strap line which has no substance or proof behind it. [...]

Anon 19 January 24 09:58

Given Wombles' part in the PO atrocities and their recent sponsorship of the vagina museum, surprised they didn’t jump straight to “same old problems, same old [ladyparts]"

Anon 19 January 24 10:05

Ha. The one Friday the Wombles marketing team thinks it can take a break from harassment , PO and Golden Turds, and it scores the own goal to end all own goals. Their content was relatively good a while back. It seems to have dropped off a cliff… 

winder 19 January 24 10:20

wind your necks in Wombles , keep your heads down it will take a very long time from the stench of your outrageous behaviour in Bates v Post Office to blow over . Any client or any employee read the judgement in Bates v Post Office and ask yourself is this a firm i want to be associated with ? 

Ex-Womble 19 January 24 10:26

A lot of Womble ass-hats do talk out of both sides of their faces, good to see that they now admit it and tout that as The Good Thing.  Or are they confirming noses are out of joint? 

Immy Grayson 19 January 24 10:38

They certainly had a different point of view with regard to sub postmasters

wow 19 January 24 10:58

Can't believe you didn't mock up a picture of Uncle Bulgaria half face on, half in profile to join these Rof.  You're losing your touch. 

Anonymous 19 January 24 11:46

It’s astonishing that there are any lawyers left at Wombles. 

Why would you stay? No other options?

Anonymous 19 January 24 12:15

… but their CMO was really excited to launch this campaign according to his LinkedIn post - apparently their lawyers’ diverse experiences “come together to give us a point of view like no other”. Surely our poor sub postmasters can agree with that?

It’s today again 19 January 24 12:57

This is genius marketing. It really captures the essence of the firm…a lot of two-faced, duplicitous ****s.

1215 19 January 24 13:17

1215. yes he is clueless. The Wombles seem to be very proud of their legal gymnastists to prevent the sub postmasters getting justice. So sickening. They have no compassion and no clue. Is that what clients are looking for ?

payitback 19 January 24 13:22

Given Wombles have money to waste on this nonsense when will you be repaying the £60 million to taxpayers and setting up a charity to help subpostmasters and their families?

Anonymous 19 January 24 14:05

@13.22 - if only. There’s nothing left. All the money has gone on Jonny’s Porsche service (nothing left for socks sadly, so the sockless (sackless?) loafer look will be back for SS ‘24), an abacus and some peanuts for Nick, some stilts for Paul, Julian’s platinum golf club membership, a paddock for the Wildebeest, a hockey stick for that planning chap, a personality and ability transplant for [x] (doesn't seem to have worked) and other assorted essentials, such as this amazing marketing campaign.

Oh, and a big fat bonus for relevant partner to spaff on who knows what.

Anonymous 19 January 24 14:06

Oh dear. I can't imagine any sane marketing professional would recommend this concept to the leadership team. Makes me wonder who exactly was driving this one. 

Anonymous 19 January 24 16:34

I think it is really offensive to those people with facial disability either through nativity or trauma.  

Anon 19 January 24 16:57

Has Great Uncle B run out of money to pay whoever it was who used to come on here to bleat unconvincingly in defence of the Wombles’ work?

wonkers 19 January 24 18:25

Wombles were certainly looking the other way when decency and humanity and competence came knocking

editing 19 January 24 18:36

from inquiry today Witness Statements editing to remove the known bugs in prosecutions. Hope Wombles not involved in this as that will be the end of them. Still Simon Andy Jonny Paul you all had your big big bonuses points and promotions so not all bad . 

Wombles RIP 19 January 24 18:43

I predict Wombles will go the same way as Halliwells. Down the shitter quicker than you can say ‘justice for postmasters’. Let’s hope so anyway. 

Bored to death 19 January 24 19:37

Is this really an “Exclusive”?! You must be desperate to come up with content….

Anonymous 19 January 24 19:47

Dentons have got photos of waves on their website. Will there be an exclusive story on this at some point?

swordofjustice 19 January 24 21:24

Looking forward to when Simon and Andy the client partner and solicitor with conduct are giving evidence. Hope they get asked what performance bonuses they got based on post office revenue. And wether that affected their judgement. Also hope government stops royal mail paying Wombles to defend its self at inquiry. Some Womble partners find that particularly hilarious and it is sickening to watch for us decent folk who want nothing to do with this disgrace.

Anon 19 January 24 22:25

When lawyers try to be groovy. Like my dad’s attempts to dance. Can these fools see themselves?

intheshitzu 20 January 24 02:05

very concerning testimony from CEO Fujitsu today that Horizon issues known from start and evidence taken out of their witness statements . SRA. 

sinkin 20 January 24 14:01

Let that sink in again. The CEO of Fujitsu has given evidence to the Horizon Inquiry that witness statements produced by Fujitsu employees highlighted Horizon IT issues from the start. BUT for court proceedings these references were removed. Very serious. SRA and Sir Wyn need to get to bottom of this. 

Anon 20 January 24 22:30

So is the tagline. We look the other way, whilst the biggest miscarriages of justice in the Uk legal history goes on, and pocket £60m in the process.

I think they have nailed it.


deadWombles 21 January 24 16:54

The Inquiry documents right at beginning of PO action in Castleton case Mr Dilley was coping in to correspondence the  firm's internal "cock up" partner. This would only happen where a potential claim against the firm was notified or capable of being notified. Why did he do that ? 

I know where the skeletons are hidden 26 January 24 13:08

Wombles are beyond mediocre. They have no flair or imagination. I guess they were just following orders. In another lifetime they would be closing the oven door. It makes me sick when I think of the promotions and bonuses paid on the back of Horizon. This latest PR effort is riseable. 

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