Cases down again

Travel being opened up (for now).

Mask wearing at an all-time low in London.

Vax levels high and will only get higher.

Team chin in Lambos, Team Sane in SHAMBOS

Team Smart reserving judgment til the holiday season is over, because that’s how it got in in the first place. Plus jab rates not high enough. Other than that, v good, have a star and a biscuit.

I love the prevalent conceit among zealots on here, to the effect that the virus turning out to be manageable somehow represents a defeat for “Team Sane”, ie the people who said the virus would turn out to be manageable. 

Mega heh. Team sane said this would go on forever and ever and ever. They said there would be no vaccines.  They basically wanted to concede defeat to the virus and just let it rip through our people. Great idea guys, except you can get reinfected so maybe not.

You can try and rewrite history, but we were all here to see it. 

Person up and take your loss. There is no vaccine against being wrong.

But I’m confused. Starmer was warning us last week that the Johnson Variant is out of control and heading towards 100,000 cases a day. I think everyone is disregarding the NHS summer crisis we are facing.

No Laz. The point is that team sane and team zealot are now one and the same - the former want restrictions to continue because otherwise their lunatic hysteria was simply wrong; the latter want restrictions to continue because they’re terrified of a virus that is no longer a serious threat post-mass vaccination.

The “winners” here are reasonable people who understood that there was a time and a place for proper restrictions when there was no population immunity, but that time has now passed.

Restrictions are still very severe in most parts of the UK. England has just introduced vaccine passports that will become mandatory next month.

The hubristic it's over line is just... Tragically wrong. You were never reasonable to accept/ support what has happened. 

I don’t have a problem with most of the policy response but I wouldn’t have had a problem if they’d let it rip, either. I wouldn’t really care. Large parts of the US did let it rip and it’s not like everyone there is dead.

Large parts of the US did let it rip and it’s not like everyone there is dead.

but...but....Florida is so much different to the UK! It's hot and they have alligators.

The fact we're opening up now does not in any way vindicate the lockdown lovers.  

Vaccine passports are not an imposition (the NHS app is anodyne and the process takes <5 minutes) obviously a good idea if we want to avoid this clusterfvck of a government kneejerking back into lockdown in a couple of months.  

It's fascinating how authoritarian many people are not very far under the surface 

completely normal to have to show ones papers to go out because of a poxy virus with a fatality rate of less than 1%. More of this please 


Having to show proof of vaccine status absolutely is "an imposition". Hilarious how people rewrite reality to cope. "They said restrictions would last for years haha the fools *queues obediently to convince the bouncer/ hostess / ticket kid that they are "safe"*


And once again restrictions are still in place in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Claiming "it's over" just makes you seem like a yokel who never leaves your sofa.

vindicates the vax lovers tho

And it specifically does not vindicate the people who said that the only way out was through, that is to say via mass infection. There weren’t many of those people but one of them was extremely vocal and persistent on this very message board.

I dunno Clergs in England it really is over bar the shouting. Travel is the most restrictive area but hopefully we’re moving in the right direction there too - we need to get the Middle East routes reopen soon. 

The point of “Team Sane” was that with the current attitudes to Covid it will never be over. Because if you constantly freak out about variants, cases, and other what ifs it doesn’t matter how many are vaccinated or how many are in hospital - one must always remain “cautious”, hence restrictions always.

That attitude has changed a little but not a lot.

We are in the middle of the summer, schools and universities are shut, no one is really in the office, people are spending time outdoors. Of course there is a temporary relief.

I look forward to end of October when these things are reopened, it’s cold and wet outside,  immunity from vaccines will be waning. Let’s see if Davos/RR will be able to smugly declare that it is “over” then as they are chugged out of their local spoons as Whitty announces new “temporary” measures to “relieve pressures on the NHS”. 


RR, don’t know why you’re apparently ragging at me - I have always been on the actually same wing of team sane.

Very much not ragging you specifically. Just correcting the record. I never considered you part of team sane anyway given you accept the necessity of some restrictions and advocate for the vax.

Can we stop fighting yet?

Lockdown ended, travel opening, cases plummeting (% of positive test results too!) and even hospitalizations are coming down.

This does appear to me to be a victory to both 1) vaccines and 2) anyone who claimed that lockdowns aren't required to keep cases from going bonkers, the virus is gonna virus regardless of non-pharmaceutical interventions baring a total shut down of society

But point 2 is impossible to prove and no one here is going to change their mind anyway so best to just move on.

It is really tedious to read some of the above backslapping though, Laz is right I don't see this as some victory to Team Sane that lockdown ends and cases plummet anyway after Indie SAGE and Labour claimed they would skyrocket to 100k a day.

The point of “Team Sane” was that with the current attitudes to Covid it will never be over. 

To the extent that “Team Sane” had a coherent position it was “if we just do as little as possible maybe everything will work out” and seizing as hard as possible on anything that might have suggested that was true. That’s why the same people vehemently against lockdowns are also vehemently against vaccines. It’s pure wishful thinking and evinces a basic childishness.

You ask if we can stop fighting and then post a cavalcade of horsec0ck about team sane being right all along about lockdowns. 

This virus comes in waves, you can be reinfected, the categorically correct way to deal with it is to slow the spread while vaccines are developed. 

Ways to cock it up include

  • Failing to slow it down to the point your healthcare system is borked
  • Failing to get the vax out at a rapid pace

That’s why the same people vehemently against lockdowns are also vehemently against vaccines.

No one is against vaccines as such. To the extent there is opposition, it’s opposition to being forced/coerced to take one, especially if one is not at any serious risk of covid. 

chimp - every single person in this country had their health harmed to "slow the spread".

There was no benefit to most of us in doing so. We were human shields so that hospital doctors didnt have to sadface tell an old person they were going to receive palliation and nothing more.

"I never considered you part of team sane anyway given you accept the necessity of some restrictions and advocate for the vax."

This is very convenient for you as it reduces membership of team sane to probably one person on rof. This allows you to have a 10 v 1 pile on against your chosen opponent and feel really good about yourself.

Chimp guilty above as well. There are hardly any anti vax on rof. Most team sane are pro vax.

This is very convenient for you

Yes it is, thanks. Team Sane shed members until the only ones left were the cultists. They wouldn't even accept Guy Crouchback into the cult because he was impure.

They. Are. Mental.

"How lovely to be proven right so promptly."

Wtf??? Clergs is quite obviously your one chosen member of team sane I mentioned above. So it's me you've proven right. You're such a tit.

From now on you are reassigned to Team Ignore when it comes to covid. I'll challenge myself and allow two members in - you and Davos.

Congratulations, you are the less extreme wing of the team.

Tell me you take rof too seriously without saying you take rof too seriously 

Remember that time you made up an email from rof towers and then flounced about it for days. Then you came back? This is why I cant have irony meters any more.

Errrm not sure to be 'team sane' one has to be anti-vax. I have always thought the restrictions went too far but I am very in favour of vaccinations on a genuinely voluntary basis (and have been vaccinated myself). I do not agree that the individual risk/benefit analysis for vaccination supports vaccination in all adults. That view is shared, incidentally by European medical agencies in respect of the main vaccine used in the UK so it is hardly 'out there'. 

I still think people should be offered vaccines 'for the greater good' as the risks are not that great to the individuals, but they should be offered them on the basis of fully transparent and honest information about the risks way (vaccinated or non vaccinated) which for the least vulnerable groups are pretty negligible. 

Wtf??? Clergs is quite obviously your one chosen member of team sane I mentioned above

You're confused. I was right about them being mental. I don't know what you are being weird about now.

Please go ahead and ignore. I don't know who you are anyway.

’Errrm not sure to be 'team sane' one has to be anti-vax‘

they didn’t want the vaccines to work because they wanted to be right on the internet. Properly mental.

Fence Foal once again adhering to a fictionalised account of who team sane are and what they believe

team sane have always believed the virus would be conquered, including by vaccines

anti vax extremists are not and never have been team sane HTHHTHHTHHTH

"Remember that time you made up an email from rof towers and then flounced about it for days."

I didn't make it up. Email maffew OBE and ask him if you want. Irrelevant to me. 

Let’s distinguish between “people who thought lockdowns went too far” and “people who were frothingly pro-covid, anti-vaxxer death cultists”. Happy to acknowledge most people posting here weren’t the second. It’s a shame that one of the most vocal people here was.

Bollocks, team sane is a rof term.

If you're having a go at anti-vaxxers who are not on the board, because it's an easy target, it's got nothing to do with team sane.

It's also pointless because unless you fancy an argument with Clergs, pretty much everyone here agrees with you.

But maybe you just fancy an argument with Clergs? A lot of people seem to.

Err clergs said on that thread

What I mean is, this vaccine is shit

Whereas in reality it is very effective. As long as you, you know, take it rather than try and freeride.

Be less wrong about stuff please.

Not sure any of the zealots on either side covered themselves in glory. Burning 300bn a year without effective vaccines was never sustainable, so at some point a version of "let it rip" had to be contemplated. Once vaccines were proven 000s dead a month wasn't defensible. 

"Unlock now cos vaccines in cupboards" per Barry the Cab Driver et al was also stupid when demanded, as was "let's wait for a complete control set of data while whole industries die" from FeelingChill et al and all the smug "CASES UP" threads of the last few weeks. 

Unfortunately we'll still have to endure "enjoy autumn lockdown" from people with no basis for it as wrong on the internet is too much to contemplate.

Apart from care homes and crappy semi-lockdowns for ages instead of hard ones, you can't really criticise this govt's handling of the entire thing, despite completely lucking out on vaccine contracts. In terms of relatively free countries that would struggle economically to completely isolate themselves, the UK is a model if you discount care home deaths (as is Sweden). 

I mean it's no big deal having to wear a tag and sign in everywhere you go what's the big deal that's not restrictions

I'm not wearing a tag (!?!?) and haven't had to sign in anywhere for weeks now. 

But maybe you just fancy an argument with Clergs? A lot of people seem to.

I do seem to end up pointing out how she’s wrong a lot. In fairness though she is a very prolific and quite aggressive poster. If you aren’t an anti-vaxxer and don’t agree with statements like “the vaccine is shit” then I’m obviously not talking about you.

"Unlock now cos vaccines in cupboards" per Barry the Cab Driver"

No you berk. It was always unlock now, because that was the alleged plan initially - i.e. unlock when groups 1-9 have been vaccinated, which was in March.

Hope this helps. 

@10.15 it's pretty obvious what it broadly is.

But like any broad view, within that there are obviously big divergences of opinion.

I look forward to you advocating for all political parties to disband because people can't agree on everything.

The reason for this argument is that people on both sides want to lay claim to what is happening in the UK right now.

The sensible wing of team data (ie not the bedwetters) are saying we've got the vaccine, finally time to get on with our lives. This is a level of risk we should accept.

And the sensible wing of team sane (not the anti vaxxers) is saying we've got the vaccine, surely you can all be happy now and we can finally get on with our lives like we've been saying all along.

Both sides want it to be their victory, as being right on rof is the most important of all prizes.

I look forward to you advocating for all political parties to disband because people can't agree on everything.

Heh at comparing a loose collection of posters on a message board to “all political parties”

Team sane isn't a political party you berk. It is a group of people on rof who have made a number of statements and predictions about coronavirus over the last 16 months.

As each of their proclamations has been proven catastrophically wrong they have tried to shift and twist what they originally predicted and the cult members have either been jettisoned, left of their own accord or followed faithfully along with the rewriting of their own history.

If you can't see that then maybe you are one of the faithful?

Hence the attempt to redefine team sane by team data, the other side has to be wrong.

M7, just read the “Lads” thread. If you want to disavow Clergham’s views that’s fine but she is and has been a very prominent member of “your side”, such as it is

Yep that article someone posted the other day was illuminating because it tracked so closely with the nutters on rof and their utterances. There are clearly a not insignificant number of them out there.

I supported LD1 and still think it was the right decision. I didn't really support LD2 but I think there was some logic to it. I didn't support LD3 at all. Whether I was right to oppose it we will never know. 

I guess I fundamentally think the response was unbalanced. Civil liberties were seen as unimportant (and still this doesn't seem to be something lock down supporters accept). What I feared regarding mission creep and being ruled by experts did actually happen and I think there needs to be a serious day of reckoning for SAGE and Whitty. When they were wrong nobody brings it up with them and their lobbying role seems to continue.