44 Backbench letters in

Only another four to go.

Come on, m8s!

agreed, NTF

clergs: she's unable to rule, she needs to go. True it is that no one else in the tory party is likely to be able to do a better job, but that's just the situation we find ourselves in. Only way out will be another referendum or a general election or, preferably, both.



those fooktards are asking for the impossible


there is nobody who can fix this but at least she is trying to be a reasonable face to the world

It's like being driven into a cul de sac by a load of drunken, witless hoorays, who don't have a clue where they're going or what they're doing 

It's as if it wasn't enough for the last lot of Edinburgh student Marxists to fcuk up the banks and the economy ,causing inter alia, property prices to explode out of reach 

I wish the adult people who had managed Hong Kong and Singapore since 1945 had been in charge here rather than the posturing canaille we have had to put up with 

the problem with no confidence vote is that, if she wins, she cannot be challenged for a further 12 months. added to the fact that nobody really wants the job, if there's another 4 letters in then it'll be by accident rather than design.

I agree with clergs, it is not possible. A compromise where the best of both worlds looks exactly the same as the worst of both worlds with everyone from both sides up in arms is not advisable. And saying that having both sides shouting that she’s going too far/ not far enough, depending on your viewpoint, is probably the point where the “compromise” is probably about right, is not only damaging but sets leave and remain at each others’ throats for all eternity.

no deal feels like the best/only solution. which is no bad thing, at least we can get on with our lives



cue chorus of "but it will be an unmitigated disaster and we'll all starve"


we wont

in fairness the EU is taking full advantage of the situation (but then who wouldn't) to be dickish about the border

ubermegaheh though at how thoroughly the Tories have failed to get around Barnier by begging member states to break ranks

So, The Tories need to ask for more time, so that they can continue to fail to agree something among themselves that the EU will then *maybe* agree. 

The DUP won't agree to whatever that might be, so this government cannot bring forward its primary legislation.  But the DUP will also not vote for a GE. 

Would 14 moderate Tories vote for a GE, to break the deadlock?