How do u feel about the fact that the u.k. will never again have a conservative government in your life time?
Sir Woke XR Re… 21 May 24 21:21
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does it rag u

Not a fan and I've never voted for them.  They certainly deserve a long period in opposition to become sane again.  However, it's also bad for the country not to have a viable opposition.  Governing parties tend toward corruption and incompetence when their feet aren't held to the fire.

How do u feel about the fact that the u.k. will never again have a conservative government in your life time? Does it rag u?

It strikes me to be about as useful a comment as Laz's other thread about it ragging you that Toon are the best team in the universe etc!

At the last election with Lab being led by, and having policies dictated by, Corbynistas, many felt that there might never again be a Lab gov.

What has happened is that activists and leftie ideaologists have had to bite their tongues and lay low for a while to let the party drift back to the centre in order to regain power.

Same will happen to the tozzas. They will quickly grow sick of losing and the 'one nation wing will start to reassert itself and prevail, as the harder right will see this as the only likely way of returning to power.

At the same time, Lab, once in power will inevitably bee shown up as incompetent/corrupt on a lot of fronts and a number of 'leftie' policies that will eventually emerge will also prove unpopular with many centrist voters.

As ever, after a while the public will just think that it is time for someone else to have ago at running the country and the cycle will just begin over again


Genuinely upset. The Conservative Party has been an important player in political life for nearly 200 years, and at different times has provided both stability and reform. I really hope it comes back as its old self. A democracy needs a strong, sensible party on both the Right and the Left. 

The premise is not true. Sorry but you've under estimated how thick the electorate and hope persuasive the media is are and over estimated how good Labour is. 

2 terms max. Reduced majority by more than a handful of seats in term 2. 


The Conservatives only recovered from their last pasting because of Cameron, the GFC and Brown's incompetence. Cameron one two elections, plus effectively bought them the next two out of Brexit's fallout (plus a hefty assist from unelectable Corbyn). 

If they take a '97 style pasting, there's every chance ERG splits into reform, and the one nation remainder are too decimated to survive as a political force, especially since most donors seem to be at the psycho edge so the money follows the ERG.

Laz, are you trying to get in on the ground floor of this cummings start up party? 

if Starmer brings in PE to really fist the tories into oblivion it might even have a chance at getting going, especially if it quickly gets rid of cummings


given that Britain has a more or less permanent progressive majority, PR would pretty much transform us into the continental style social market democracy we really very badly need to be

I am a PR convert

given that Britain has a more or less permanent progressive majority, PR would pretty much transform us into the continental style social market democracy we really very badly need to be

I am a PR convert

I have been saying this for decades

Moderately sad that you are in fact correct that there is a real possibility that I will not be alive in 10-15 years time.  No concerns at all with a Starmer-led Labour party governing during what may well be my last decade.

Depends how you define Conservative govt. 

If you mean that of, say, Macmillan or Douglas-Home or Major or Thatcher, then rather sad. 

If you mean that of Cameron or May then a twinge of regret but mostly happy to see the back of it. 

If you mean Johnson, Truss or Sunak then the quicker it is expunged the better. 


Here comes the but. 

Much as I will be happily voting Labour (having mostly previously voted Tory) this time, any democracy can't survive well with one super dominant party. the Lib Dems and Greens are weak. Reform are horrific. Problem. 

laz. i assume you thought this in 1997 as well?

look how that turned out.  blair remains the only labour leader to win a working majority since wilson over 50 years ago

"transform us into the continental style social market democracy we really very badly need to be"

This is the very last thing we need. The "continental social market democracies" have suffered economic stagnation since 2008. They are backwaters compared to the US, where the federal income tax rate is 24% at the income level that the UK's 45% tax rate kicks in, and maxes out at 37% only at $570k of annual income. Why would we copy stagnant countries rather than successful ones?

Wot GG send. 

It is going to get worse too as the Scandies and other European countries who have effectively been defence spending freeloaders for a while start having to spend serious cash on military preparedness rather than diverting this to social services, as no longer can it be guaranteed that big brother over the pond will step in if Russia or others get too big for their boots. 

You can't compare US and UK tax rates like that. If you want to live anywhere decent in the US you will be paying state tax and probably city tax on top of the fed rate. 

State and city taxes won't take the US to the UK rate. The UK also has 13.8% employer's NICs and 2% employee NICs (top rates). The US equivalent is 1.45% employer/ employee Medicare. The US is very different - it isn't running the same high tax/ high regulation model which is failing in the EU/ UK.


Scandies and other European countries who have effectively been defence spending freeloaders

It's the Peace dividend. Followed the break-up of the Soviet Union. The UK also benefited considerably from it. 

Bear in mind also GG that over here HMRC will do your tax calc for you, and unless you’re rof level dumb it’s more or less fine. For free. Tax over there means paying some mom and pop to do it as a bare minimum, added cost a few grand at least. Money swills around over there like it did here for the Edwardians, 

State and city taxes won't take the US to the UK rate. The UK also has 13.8% employer's NICs and 2% employee NICs (top rates). The US equivalent is 1.45% employer/ employee Medicare. The US is very different - it isn't running the same high tax/ high regulation model which is failing in the EU/ UK.

Correct, there, GG. Also, in the US when it comes to tax, there seem to be so many breaks for expenses you can set against tax to reduce your net rate.