A thread to list criminally underrated and overrated savoury foods


Lobster.  Expensive, not as nice as nearly every fish, and shitter than crab (white and brown bits)


Royster's T-Bone Steak bubble chips.  Actually tastes like steak, unlike McCoys.  Pure meaty salty loveliness.  Get in my belly. 

Agree re lobster, langoustines are the tastiest shellfish if you want that sort of thing (although you need the knack to eat them properly)

Also overrated -posh crisps


Underrated - cheesie footballs.


There's something about the texture of crab meat that means I can eat it but struggle not to gag on it.

Underrated is the salami you can get from a deli in Tunbridge Wells that's made from Parma ham so it's double cured in effect and I could eat it all day long quite happily.

Overrated is most fish.

Generally agree on posh crisps apart from some Oyster, Chili and Lemon ones I had which went down well with snacks. 

Crab Thermidor probably deserves more credit in the seafood culinary arena.

Doritos. It's like someone has shaved the carbuncles from a 90 year old's foot and said "it'll be fine just dunk it in sub ketchup"

This has made me crave Doritos, Wang you twonk. 

Lobster is a poor langoustine, but there's a big bump from the one easy-to-get-at lump in the tail and then its just a fooking chore.  Bisque is ace tho.


Underrated - pluma pork from Spain.  Not underrated in Spain, but flies under the radar here.  It is the most nommy thing that ever shuffled around searching for acorns.

Ooh I love Scotch Eggs. 

Was in ASDA in my home town last year and overheard a local boy asking the shelf stacker "where can I get them sausages with eggs inside?"


- Monster munch (pickled onion and, yes i know its niche, roast beef

- Skips

- Frazzles


- same theme; Quavers.  You decide "ooh i haven't had a packet of Quavers in a while", have a pack and realise, 5 Quavers in, that they are actually grim.

All this langoustine talk is making me crave a driving holiday across france. Stopping at random unmarked amazing restaurants. Cheap champagne, fantastic sea food, beautiful hospitable owners. 

Central france is underrated. 



Jamon- ludicrously expensive and disgustingly fatty 


Spring rolls- what is the point ? 


Black pudding 

' texture of crab meat' try it in a sliced white sandwich with loads of butter. Food of gods 

I love the scotch part but not the egg.  Mini scotch eggs are fine because you can't taste or feel the egg in them.

Bouillabaisse is also overrated as I really don't want a rich fish soup on a hot day in the sun.

Overrated - triple cooked chips;

I want chips, not three quasi-roast potatoes on my plate.

Underrated - hash browns and tater tots.

Everyone likes them yet you barely see them on a menu. 


Yorkshire puddings

Dover Sole (the consistency of wet toilet paper and taste not that far off)

Hard agree on spring rolls - just grim


Poached eggs 



Yorkshire puddings are not overrated, you're probably doing them wrong.


Chicken and mush pot noodle

Rustlers (specifically the bbq rib and Southern fried chicken sub ones) 

Yorkshire puddings are not overrated, you're probably doing them wrong.

The only correct way to do Yorkshire puddings is to throw them in the fooking bin. Uneaten. And then burn the bin just so the fookers don't rise from the dead.

I'm married to a Yorkshirewoman, by the way, who like any lass born in "God's own country" claims to know the secret of proper Yorkshire puddings handed down from some mythologised kindly chillblained Grandma who had an outside toilet and used to cheat at whist, but Yorkshire puddings still taste like socks and have the consistency of wet popadoms. 

Could not disagree more about brioche buns - love me a brioche burger.

Hash browns that are not from McD's are always a bit disappointing. 

Used to work in a pub that did a full roast served on a giant Yorkshire pud - clearing up the soggy ruins made me boak and I've never looked at a Yorkshire pud since. Weirdly Mr Don - not a Yorkshireman nor even from these shores - bloody loves the twotting things. 

You know, by the way, that there is one sure fire way to tell whether any given aspect of a nation's cuisine is actually nice, or whether people just have a weird psychological affection for it because they always used to eat it at their Grandmas so it reminds them of cuddles from hairy cheeked kindly women who smell of pot pourri and would actually listen to their relentless childish prattle while their exhausted parents passed out in front of Bergerac, and it's this:

Do foreigners eat it in their own country of their own free will?

And that is a deafening "No" for Yorkshire puddings. 

While spring rolls might appear to fail this test, I have a theory that the Chinese don't actually eat spring rolls at all, and it is just a protracted revenge on the pale white ghosts for, I don't know, the opium war or the savage repression of the Boxer rebellion to con them into eating a fried paper bag full of snot.

I am with HD on this Yorkshire pud a bit of a waste of calories -would rather have a couple of extra roast potatoes.

You see? We may disagree on literature and lockdowns, but never under-estimated the unifying power of hatred of over-rated carbohydrates.

At this rate, perhaps Cookie and Anna will finally bury the hatchet over a shared hatred of polenta...

which reminds me:


Polenta - looks like insulation foam. Has the consistency of congealed semen. Tastes like something you picked out of your teeth.

Polenta 100%. If it was referred to as 'cornmeal porridge' rather than a sexy Italian name it would feature on zero menus.

You are so right. Polenta is a sexy name. I would totally wood a woman called "polenta" were it not also the name of congealed semen masquerading as insulation foam.

I'd rather have a pile of yorkshire puddings and good roast potatoes than the roast meat itself. 

Might this explain your oft reported girth issues? Try leaving the carbs and eating only the meat. 

Used to work in a pub that did a full roast served on a giant Yorkshire pud - clearing up the soggy ruins made me boak

I have eaten a full roast served in a giant Yorkshire pud and the soggy ruins are the best bit. 

Overrated:  Padrón peppers

I mean, they're okay.  but a little bitter.  And then burnt and over-salted.  Why the fook do middleclass people do a whole "ooooh, paaaaahhhhdrhrrrrooooonz", and then order 3 portions of burnt, over-salted, bitter peppers.   Give a literal fook.  In the bin with ye.