What’s the shittest meal you’ve cooked during lockdown?

Inspired by the pudding thread and a recent tea (for a family of four) or heinz beans with sausages on toast with cheese, what’s the shittest meal you’ve had so far?*


*full disclosure, if they still made Bernard Matthews turkey drumsticks (or sold them on Ocado) I would be smashing the fvck out of them right now. 

I tried to make some burgers with mince about to go out of date, also used an egg about to go out of date- I didn't have any baps and they didn't bind properly so ended up with a plate of very greasy mince - gross.

though my diet is appalling anyway,


I had prawn cocktail crisp sandwiches as breakfast/lunch for five days in a row. It would have been longer but I ran out of bread, so then just had crisps for breakfast/lunch

They actually put Bernard Matthews into the last turkey drumsticks ever made as part his will, before torching the factory and converting the workers into the stuffing for the remaining turkey leg roasts (hand stuffed by the mourners). 

Mrs Sorry was trying to be frugal one lunchtime and mixed a can of tuna in with a can of beans and some mayonnaise.  We duly consulted, agreed it wasn’t WW2, chucked it away and promptly went to the shop for some more stuff.  Crisis avoided.

oh yes, at the beginning of this wretched episode, I got "lots of tins in" and it made me feel like Tuppence at the beginning of the Tommy and Tuppence series, where she live-in a room with a gas ring.

I am keeping stuff in the bath as cupboards full, I don't really eat stuff from tins, brought a load of tins only to discover I still don't really eat stuff from tins...

Right at the beginning when I made a curry and had to buy galangal instead of ginger, it was horrible.

For Londoners out there may I recommend Upper Scales - a fish delivery company, based in Billingsgate and so long as you order by midnight they will deliver anywhere in Greater London next day. Delivery free if you spend £20, and you get loads for £20, better value than high street fishmonger and top quality v fresh.

Properly fvcked up some falafels. Don’t even know how. They were just crumbly messes. 

have had a lot of 2min chicken Maggi noodles (my favourite dirty comfort food) when I cba 

I ate heinz spaghetti worms and brown toast for lunch every day for about four weeks. That’s not a shit meal IMO though. That’s a good meal that foodies would sneer at - different..

A 9 hour smoked brisket, which apparently was "not as good as last time".

So I won't be getting out of bed again at 7 am to fire up the bbq any time soon, then. Ungrateful fuckers.