I have just been accosted by a mad woman

Who was doing that incredibly clipped but furious voice because her 8 year old leant my 8 year old a white pair of socks (of the kind one purchased from the supermarket £2 for 3 pairs or so) and not had them back. 

er ok says I, well I don't remember seeing them but I'll look. They're labelled, she says. With her name. You can't have missed them.  And shows me a pair she has clearly brought with her for this demonstration, with hand sewn labels. In a pair of supermarket socks. 

right I says. well if I can't find them, I'll buy her some more.


thats her Molly off the birthday party list 

Reminds me of the time we joined up our scalextric with the Vicars kids down the road.

Prior to the play session we had 4 pieces of yellow armco. Due to the characteristics of the yellow plastic, these pieces had a tendency to crack, indeed, all four of ours were cracked, rendering them useless.

After the play session we has 17 pieces of timebomb yellow armco. What a rift that caused. 

 Fu*cking christians are the worst. 

In our house she'd be lucky to get back one sock that looks like a donut and one with captain america on.  Expecting a complete pair is de trop.  

Didnt foolster used to post as the underpant gnome?  We deffo have one

If I made it back from boarding with even a single pair of socks with my own name in my mother saw it as a victory.

I managed to come out with a net cost surplus every time tho, these were the days of little school flags on your socks and Tesco was considered to be worse than any other supermarket so no cheap options.

Imagine putting name labels on socks.

I don't have to imagine it.

Couldn't give a shit about them getting lost but I'm quite pro- anything that can be done to stop the little germ factories contaminating one another.

Not that name labels are 100% of course, but every little bit and all that.

All of my stuff at school was named.  Think I even took to writing my name on CD's because of a classmate's propensity to borrow stuff and then swear he'd given it back whilst keeping it.  Used to go round to his room periodically when he was out and reclaim my possessions.

Heh right across the pitch on this one. You should sarcastically buy a bulk shipment box of them. 

Seriously though, have them delivered. Buy on Amazon and deliver. No more engagement on socks or whatever the real issue is. Starve them of the oxygen of discussion. 

I remember the private school down the road had compulsory knickers

when I asked "but how do they know what knickers you are wearing" everyone looked at me as though I was mad (it was not a boarding school how DID they know the creeps)

Rhan even day schools used to do random underwear checks when people were getting changed for PE.  At my boarding school you'd be sent out of lessons to change if you weren't wearing approved clothing.

No adult is permitted in the changing rooms at my kids school if there is a child in there (thanks to a past paedo incident) hence the frequency with which things go missing 

My mate in the US was asked to send her kid to school with a 24 pack of colouring pencils, individually named.


I suggested she give each pencil its own name.


No, that's not green - it's Jenny.

We had regulation knickers for sports - and that was, actually, probably about preserving our "modesty" under sports kilts or whatever.  But other than checking that we had them when we arrived at the start of each time (by glancing vaguely over our stuff once unpacked - it's amazing that these "checkers" didn't think of that as an option), I don't remember anyone EVER pulling aside clothing at any time to make sure you were wearing regulation pants.  And this was a long time ago.

The one very weird thing was that at my (admittedly ridiculously posh) school (I say that, because it seems that the poshness is often directly related to the WTF???-ness), I found out that until not that long ago, maybe the 70s, girls did gym sports wearing just their sports shirts and these regulation pants!!!!!!! Admittedly, they were fecking huge, but still.

I went to a state grammar and we did indoor PE in giant bottle green sports knickers and an artex (mint green and therefore only available from designated outfitter to my mothers rage)

Ooh, Linda - so did we (but white aertex)! Green at my prep school, and blue at big school - although by the time I got to both, they had deigned to allow us to wear tracksuit bottoms or kilts if we had them, but if you didn't, you would have to go ahead in just your pants.

Cru as I said earlier there was no pulling aside clothing and just someone present in the changing rooms keeping an eye on what was going on and casting an eye over peoples' kit at the same time.

There were informal checks when one kid wedgied another spectacularly because regulation pants wouldn't tear even under extreme load.

We had giant blue gym knickers for wearing under our gym skirts. We had to have our names chain stitched across them in red (every year had a different colour) so no kit was exactly transferable. 

I vaguely remember in primary school all the girls had to wear navy blue knickers under their uniforms for modesty....

we had to wear small white pants under the giant blue bags (or greybags / redbags at prep skool, depending on winter or summer uniform). The white pants were washed daily but the sturdy outerpant only got a weekly wash

I think there were checks, but I am less traumatised by them than by being made to get dressed and undressed / changed for sport in the skool's front hall (as a punishment for talking after lights out). 

TBF wedgieing is still a thing.  The whole regulation pants thing passed me by.  And I refused to ever wear a jockstrap wtf are they about?  Pair of budgie smuggler style swimming trunks under the sports shorts was much more protective.  I never got pant inspected. 

There was one lad who wore his boxers under his rugby shorts.   A tackler (aptly so called) caught him by the hem of the boxers and it sliced thru his ballbag.  You've never heard screams like it even in a maternity ward.

Re inspections, none for PE but had to kneel on the desks so a teacher could measure our skirts with a ruler. Also, if you forgot your lab coat you had to do lines. 

Apparently, I went to school in the 50s. 

Escaped! :) :) How the devil are you?

The worst "punishment" I remember was the risk of being sent to our legit perv school doctor if you said you were unwell - whatever the ailment (twisted ankle, ingrown toenail, anything), he would make you take your top off, and have a leisurely feel around.  I hope he died horribly and painfully.

We had a school dctr who was one of the lad's mum.  She made you do the cough test when you were about 11 to see if your balls had dropped.  One of the boys' hadn't (he had been very ill as a baby and his twin had died) but she told her son and so everyone knew his bollocks were still in his abdomen.  Further, he had a surname that rhymed with a word for bollock.

School was not fun for him.

Sails, I am disturbed by what you say about your School, it is at best fooking odd. I was 50/50 a boarder at a very famous london public school that shit never happened, never. 

I sense your school shortly being subject to a huge scandal soon m8

Ebit the term "Fingers" was used to wind people up before their first visit to the school doctor and there was never any evidence of him actually doing anything.

The school sick room was behind reception and they used to let you lie down in there for a bit and then hand you a Fisherman's Friend and tell you run along if you hadn't vommed anywhere within an hour or so. 

Oh, Escaped, that sounds hideous... :(

Our school matron was very much part of the problem, both by wilfully turning a blind eye to the vileness, and by doing the doctor's dirty work by being so instilling so much fear in us all that we were never likely to say anything.  Noone was EVER allowed to question the doctor.

I hope she also suffered a long and painful and horrible death.

No I didn't Roger.

Our matron was just useless on the basis she had no medical training.  I did question her wisdom when she put ice on my sprained wrist then told me to put it in a bowl of hot water.

Go passive aggressive and bulk buy a massive box of socks on eBay.  Give it to the woman and say that seeing as she lost her sh1t over one pair, she must be really financially struggling, so you have bought her a box as a gift so she doesn't have to struggle any more....

I love these school threads because it really really demonstrates how some of the weirdest posters were all fvcked up the hugely expensive school they went to. 

A random house mate used to help himself to a beer or two , finish the half bottle of wine etc etc . I never complained, once I used some of his butter on a slice of toast, he went mental. I replaced it with four tubs , his face was a picture. Housemates pissed themselves 

My mate in the US was asked to send her kid to school with a 24 pack of colouring pencils, individually named.

This was normal in my bit of Oz. You had to shave off a bit at the end with a Stanley knife and label them.

What’s lovely about this thread is how tolerant  some people are about minor differences in the details of clothing for schoolchildren and how that clothing is specified, supplied, labelled, inspected, washed, managed etc.  

It’s almost as if these little things really didn’t matter too much.  

There are some exceptions, of course.