Parents who get annoyed about keeping the fakeness of santa a secret

Wtf is wrong with them why do they WANT stupid children? 

We went on a "Santa Train" yesterday and my 3 year old had one of the best days of her young life.  My 7 year-old knows it's bollocks but plays along.

But if Clergs came along, banging on about obscure tax provisions and how there's no point to anything and how there's too many tourists in Edinburgh and Santa isn't real!?!?  Phooo, there'd be big trouble!!

majority of the adult world believes in god and go on and commit violence all over the world.

kids, in their innocence, believe in santa and believe in being good and reward scheme. 

I doubt you should have problem with the kids here. 

I used to think like Clergs.  Until I had kids.

Logically it makes no sense to lie to your kids about a fake bearded man who flies through the sky, but the concept of being truthful and your child (a) being seen as the class twot and (b) missing out on several years of joy and wonder is ridiculous.

heh @ wibble

gave me a titter here. 

Clergs - majority in the world do believe in god of one kind or the other and a significant minority are happy to believe the bollocks that "my god is better than yours"

no lying is often very nice. 

a) does my bum look fat in this?

Truth = Yes but then your bum looks fat in everything because it is fat. 

Lie = no, you look nice. 


b) I am upset and everything is bad I hate my life. 

Truth = The world is mostly shit so that is a logical way to feel why not do yourself in to end it all?

Lie = It will all be ok.