Jo Swinson

I'd never properly watched an interview with her until this morning but I can now see why polls have found that people go off her the more they are exposed to her.  Waffling about establishment stitch up and narratives makes you sound like a conspiracy loon.   Refusing to say who you'd consider a coalition with is rather like Corbyn's Brexit fence sitting.

I had a big Christmas party yesterday.  The adults were all university-educated professionals.  None of them knew she was Scottish.  How the fook does this happen?

 Refusing to say who you'd consider a coalition with is rather like Corbyn's Brexit fence sitting.

She hasn't refused to say who she'd consider a coalition with.  She has said she wouldn't got into coalition with either Bodge or Corbyn.

And then when further questioned as to who she might consider it with she ignore the question and continued waffling about what she's been doing with cross-party frustration of Brexit.

"she’s an uppity woman who doesn’t like Brexit so like Soubry and Gina Miller she makes the gammon extra angry"


aunts gonna be aunts. 


Big Baz will be crying into his w**ksock when she gets fook all votes even from remainers, because she is just really rubbish and no one thinks she would be not utterly shit as PM.  But Gammonz! 


The majority of people get their news from social media and headlines. No-one watches TV and few people even click through to articles. Chances are people don't know she's Scottish because they've never heard her speak. 

I'm sure I speak for the others on this board when I respectfully request: can you please avoid use of the word "upp*ty". Racism of that nature is simply not acceptable in this day and age.

#stopracism #kickitout

"Asked whether she believes biological sex exists, Ms Swinson tells the Today programme: "I’m not going to pretend I’m an expert in the subject but I don’t think these things are as binary as is often presented.""


Jesus Christ.

I like her apart from the stupid trans thing.  However I can’t see her being PM but that won’t stop me voting Lib Dem because they are never going to get a majority, However they are the only real remain party and I live in a constituency where the conservative majority is just over 300 and Lib Dems do have a chance to frustrate parliament if we can gain enough seats.

Slightly miffed when people witter on about being like a head girl etc, that’s clearly just w**kerish sexism.

Uppity is an excellent word.  

None of the synonyms capture its joie de vivre and demonstration of contemptuousness for the prig:

  • arrogant,
  • assumptive,
  • bumptious,
  • cavalier,
  • chesty,
  • haughty,
  • high-and-mighty,
  • high-handed,

Why would you want to deprive the English language of the expression?

I don’t know if you guys are being obtuse, but just in case you should probably know that if you refer to a black person as “uppity” it will be taken as fired from your job on the spot level racist. 

Mind you I can remember a conversation with a Mexican American lady who very politely explained to me that “coloured” wasn’t allowed by then either.  Genuinely didn’t realise. (That was around 2006 or so)

Exactly pancakes - thank you.

Please also only refer to it as "upp*ty". Or, if there is a legitimate reason for using the whole unredacted word, please insert a trigger warning earlier on in the sentence. 

We are not American, Shooter. In the UK this term is used in the context of social standing, with no racial undertones, to mean above oneself, self-important, snobbish or haughty.

Thank god I don’t work any longer.  I shall continue to use it with reckless abandon as I am not American and certainly don’t contextualise it in that way.

That is a woke too far for me.

We are not in the US. Uppity does not mean that here, unless you believe Roger Hargreaves (who after all was writing rather closer to the 1950s when Mr Uppity was published in 1972) was a tacit segregationist (in which case the character he is calling Mr Uppity is somewhat misconstrued).

The book is still available today.

Charges of Newspeak are sometimes advanced when a group tries to replace a word/phrase that is politically unsuitable (e.g. “civilian casualties”) or offensive (e.g. “murder”) with a politically correct or inoffensive one (e.g. “collateral damage”). Some maintain that to make certain words or phrases ‘unspeakable’ (thoughtcrime), restricts what ideas may be held (Newspeak) and is therefore tantamount to censorship. Others believe that expunging terms that have fallen out of favour or become insulting will make people less likely to hold outdated or offensive views. The intent to alter the minds of the public through changes made to language illustrates Newspeak perfectly.

Either way, there is a resemblance between political correctness and Newspeak, although some may feel that they differ in their intentions: in Nineteen Eighty-Four, Newspeak is instituted to enhance the power of the state over the individual; politically correct language, on the other hand, is said by supporters to free individuals from stereotypical preconceptions caused by the use of prejudicial terminology. It is this attempt to change thought through changing (or eliminating) words that earns political correctness the connection to Newspeak. The main distinction is that politically correct language is often inspired only by politeness, while Newspeak has a more explicit limiting political motivation.


Just trying to let you know that it's not some 2019 hyper-woke thing.

The connotations of it are old, widely known and if you use it about a black person people will think you are racist. To the extent where if you do it at work you'd be running a significant risk of getting the chop on the spot. 

But it's your choice. 

I am loathed, really loathed to agree with Pridemonth about anything, but somebody using the word uppity in this country, particularly in respect of a white person, cannot be considered racist or to be "dog-whistling" in any way shape or form.  We are not American, our cultural background is different and we have all grown up using the word in an entirely different context.  This is indeed a step to far - it is in fact a weird sort of US cultural imperialism over our culture.

SummerSails09 Dec 19 11:23

And then when further questioned as to who she might consider it with she ignore the question and continued waffling about what she's been doing with cross-party frustration of Brexit.

No, she's repeatedly made the point she wouldn't go into coalition with either, and that she would consider other options working on a cross-party basis other than coalition.  She's even said that she may reconsider the position if the leaders were other than Bodge and Magic Grandpa.




This morning on the Beeb was when she made the point about working with different leaders, Sails. 

She has been explicit - it's just some folk don't seem to grasp the concept that there are other ways for her to work with either Labour or the Conservatives without going into coalition.

Don't get me wrong, I think she's irritating though.

This morning on the Beeb was when she made the point about working with different leaders, Sails. 

She has been explicit - it's just some folk don't seem to grasp the concept that there are other ways for her to work with either Labour or the Conservatives without going into coalition.

Don't get me wrong, I think she's irritating though.

This morning on the Beeb was when she made the point about working with different leaders, Sails. 

She has been explicit - it's just some folk don't seem to grasp the concept that there are other ways for her to work with either Labour or the Conservatives without going into coalition.

Don't get me wrong, I think she's irritating though.



Please fook off. You don’t get to control other people’s use of perfectly normal English words.  There are contexts in North America where using the word “uppity” would have racist connotations.  Used in England about a white English person it is just a normal English word.  

@pancakes09 Dec 19 15:31

You really are some kind of cretinous tinpot nightmare Stalinist aren’t you?  

You. Do. Get. To. Police. The. Meaning. Of. Utterances. 

You. Do. Not. Get. To. Ban. Single. Words.  From. Use.  Regardless. Of. The. Meaning. Of. The. Totality. Of. What. Was. Said.  

Is that too much for a lawyer to understand?  Or is all that training for bloody nothing in your case?