the office nursery is coming round collecting money for children in need

I am actually doing some fairly sensible work and would like if they would save it for the lobby thanks

oh stop elevating everything to some kind of point of maximum need

(I say this as a major Clergfan)

Just leave them to it. I’m not in the advice business any more m88 but my advice to you would be: learn the art of uninterested equanimity.

I remember drinking in a pub when a chugger slammed the collecting pot down on the table.

'What is it' asked dave

'Cancer' said the chugger

'ARRRRRGH!!!' shouted dave and threw himself on the floor


I am reminded of a fanny in the filmhouse bar trying to get me to sign a petition to support letting asylum seekers with HIV stay in the country

I was like "I don't understand why this is relevant to their asylum application"

they were like "they will DIE IF THEY GO HOME"

I said "well lots of people die tho, are you saying we should provide HIV medication to everyone in the world because that seems impractical"

and then she cried

fooking filmhouse bar

it is a nursery provided on-site

I have no idea how common it is but I don't like it as an innovation because of the children in need thing

also I thought children in ened were one of the noncey ones but actually now I think about it I might have confused them

I dislike all forms of charitable donation solicitation.  I give in my own way, and precisely the amount that I want to give. Which is fooking nothing.  If Jacob Rees Mogg can pull himself up by his own bootstraps, then so can anyone.  fooking spongers.