
Seem to be a few on ROF. I've just about got time to rustle up a third before 50. Thoughts?

Not heard the expression geezerdad! I like it.

I'm guessing Rhamnousia is a female of a certain age whose shrivelled ovaries are making her bitter and jaded about life's injustices.

a family friend did this in his 70s.  the main issue seems to have been that when he sent his latest child to the same school as he'd sent his older children, the older children had in the meantime grown up and in turn sent their children there.  same school as your uncle was a bit weird.


Very good friend of mine has just had his second at age 50. Classic story of years of IVF to get the first one (which they eventually did) then 7 years later she gets duffed again naturally (mum is 47). They are absolutely over the moon, but it looks like bloody hard work and must have put his retirement back a decade at least.  

A guy I know had a vaz after number 3.  Was all going well until his wife became pregnant with twins - turns out he was the 1 in however many thousand whose tubes reconnected spontaneously.  He was 52 and the wife mid 40s with existing 8, 6 and 2 year olds...

Mr tc will be 50 next year and we’re thinming about no 3

i think it’s fine (although geezerdad is a dreadful expression and also not descriptive in the slightest - when does geezer equate with being old)

presumably your second is not that old so it’s not like you’re not already in the thick of it, parenting wise 


I can't think of anything worse than being an older father.  I am so glad I was under 40 when I bashed my two out.  I'd rather lose an arm than have another kid.  Hence the immediate vasectomy after child two.

My youngest uncle is 4 months older than me, but to be fair my Dad was the eldest and they banged out another 6 kids in between oldest and youngest so wasn't exactly a surprise as such. Just one every 3 years or so...

All mine should hopefully be off at Uni by the time I'm 52. 


Love them to bit and enjoy what's going on now but I'm also really looking forward to it being Mrs B and me again 

Hehe wang

no don’t even have that as an excuse 

just took me a fair old while to feel ready to have kids. We met when I was 26 and he was 37 with a few long term relationships and one failed engagement under his belt. Didn’t start sprogging until 35/47.