Cheese heads
Wang's Upon a Time 04 Nov 19 09:32
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Lidl are doing a superb cornish camembert at the moment called Boys something or other.  Costs about 4pish.  Get involved.

It may be slightly more than that tbh but still very cheap.  A normal sized round .truckle.

Best served baked with cornichons and crusty bread for dipping.

I bought a quality hard cheese recently.  English, not cheddar - a red one but not red-Leicester.  Cannot recall the name.

Anyways - I kept it wrapped in paper (brown paper, as it happens).  And it didn't go off. It just completely dried out. Found the last husk of it at the back of the fridge - a clear 6 months after I bought it.  Was rock solid, but un-spoilt, and DELISH.  I'm now keeping all hard cheeses in brown paper.  Will update you periodically.


For hard cheese wrap in wax paper or parchment paper. Either use a bit of tape to tape closed or wrap again loosely in tin foil.

Or just get the fvck on with eating it.

with you on halloumi, wang

though even for that I wonder if I would like it if I had it fresh and traditional in Cyprus - it may be that disliking what we get sold as halloumi is as unfair as judging supermarket mozzarella 


I've remembered my cheeses. 


Rutland Red (a hard, aged version of red Leicester)


chaource - a very soft and pungent cows' milk cheese. And it's pastured, tho it doesn't taste it. So preggo safe.