A malevolent spirit has given staff at Watson, Farley & Williams a fright after taking control of one of its lifts.

Earlier this week one of the firm's three elevators broke, said a source, and "plummeted all the way from the 5th floor to the ground".

"The Tower of Terror came to life", they said, "just in time for Halloween".


"Going down?"

The building’s owner has claimed it wasn’t quite that dramatic. A spooksman for Watchout, Faaaarghhhly and Chilliams said the landlord told it the lift did not drop, but "went into an emergency stop as a result of a safety circuit break". He added, "We have been assured by the landlord that the other lifts are safe to use". You first.

The lift at 15 Appold Street was "thankfully" empty at the time, and is now out of service until engineers repair it and priests perform an exorcism. An insider said that although WFW's other two elevators are still operational, "needless to say everyone suddenly likes the stairs".

Tip Off ROF


Spooked at WFW 01 November 19 10:17

Wonder if this is the same ghost that poisoned the drinking water with chlorine a few years ago? 

Director of Culture 01 November 19 11:33

I think this is entirely unsurprising given the recent flurry of employees venturing down to the canteen to retrieve their free bananas. I propose we call an urgent meeting to discuss the feedback received on the lift situation, and then proceed to do nothing about it. Thoughts? 

WFW employee 01 November 19 12:02

How does this make news?  I work at WFW and hadn't even heard the lift was out until I read this...

Cockney Rebel 01 November 19 12:02

“A malevolent spirit”. Only one!?? Probably quite a few around given that 15 Appold is built on a crossing of lay lines and over an old east end plague pit. On a serious note, good that no-one was injured.

I wasn't in the lift 01 November 19 18:07

If noone was in the lift at the time, how has this even made the news? Do RoF live in WFW's lift shafts?

Halloween 01 November 19 19:43

Wouldn’t be Friday without yet another WFW car crash being reported on ROF! 

Happy Halloween! ? 




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