Have you ever been violently attacked by a stranger?

Just reading about a woman who was punched unconscious by a bouncer and he stamped on her face. No prison sentence because he argued she had been laughing at him.

Anyway has freaked me out a bit and just there in the bakery queue a guy was swearing at the staff and normally I'd have told him he was being a aunt but then I wondered if the thing I read could be a sign and I didn't.

I think the world is getting more violent. I know crime stats don't back this up but the people you see in the street are so angry.

I blame the polarisation of politics.

Brexiteers are generally chilled but do have the odd extremist nutter. Remainers are less likely to be very extreme, but much more likely to be cross and use incendiary language.

No, but some dickhead threw a half empty Coke bottle (plastic, thankfully) at my head when I was cycling on Sunday because I'd had the temerity to shout at him after he nearly smashed into me when performing an illegal (and high speed) three point turn. 

I suspect there must be more to that case than your summary suggests Clergs!

World has never been less violent - perhaps that is why people are more angry?

"Just reading about a woman who was punched unconscious by a bouncer and he stamped on her face. No prison sentence because he argued she had been laughing at him."



Margaret Atwood wasn't kidding eh 

it sounded awful

she insists she wasn't laughing at him and also wtf what if she was does that make smashing her face in so she needed reconstructive surgery and a titanium plate ok

It's mostly about passive-aggressive defence of personal space.  Sometimes the self-righteous anger spills out. 


by the way, there's no way that bouncer should have avoided jail.  Somebody laughing at you is not "provocation" of itself. 


I also know an ex-trainee who lost his eyesight in one eye after he fell asleep in a nightclub and got dragged outside by a bouncer, who then stabbed him in the eye with the aerial of his radio mike.  The twot.  Basically, security folk are thugs with an arm band.  Like the SA, really.

A bloke at my college (a public school tosser called Olli, whose dad had some sort of baronetcy thing - olli played fly half,just so you as you can gague his twottery) decided to go large after his finals.  ended up in a "club" in down town C-bridge barely able to walk.  on being invited to depart by the establishment's burly safety officers, our lad proceeded to go thru the classic "do you know who I am" routine before upscaling to "my father could buy this place and have you sacked".

As you can imagine, he suffered an entirely unrelated series of injuries just around the corner from the exit of the club.  I have a great graduation photo where it looks as if he has had several golf balls put into his cheek.

last time that happened was in London, in front of law school. some druggie comes and asks for a fag, I didn't have any. he then invaded my personal space in an aggressive manner which left me without any option but to whoop his ass

That's a refreshingly liberal point of view about the victim, Dux.  With an attitude like that, I can only imagine you get attacked all the time.  Principally by your nearest and dearest.

Clergs, because that's what happens when you give a nobody with a dead-end life a modicum of power.  The only way they can feel good about themselves is tyranny against others.

whenever I brush up against contentious work it just strikes me as fooking preposterous, the rigmarole (and often rigmarole juxtaposed with shabby corner cutting and volunteers to plug the gaps)

you know, you go to a meeting and somebody chairs and everyone contributes and there are outcomes

or even in mediation etc

but in COURT? no

ra ra ra guff guff guff MR  Rammage are you QUITE finished

fook off wigchops no

Clergham the woman being disrespectful and the posh lad being disrespectful is the same thing take your horrible sexist blinkers off. Neither deserved to be beaten. Also although you are too far gone to care the vast majority of victims of violence are men. And Margaret Atwood has been at pains to point out that the handmaidens tale is not a feminist book. Im a bit surprised and not ina good way that someone with a good way of seeing alternative takes on the world is so myopic when it comes to men vs women.

My poshest friend at uni was always thoroughly polite to the bouncers and would greet them by name on the way in and discuss how they were going to chuck him out later.  Worst that ever happened to him was a few grazes from being dragged out by his ankles because he couldn't walk.

Nope, I find the threatening glare works best as a deterrent, I can look quite scary. My son has though, he was out in town and some oik threw a bike at him, with verbals.

Being 6'6" it bounced off him and I had to calm him down before he set off to beat the kid to a pulp.

Always avoid.

Yes three times I have been physically attacked by strangers. 

1. Group of youths simply attacked me for no reason and broke my nose before running off. 

2. Road rage, man in a car that I swore at after he almost killed me on my bike, Stopped, got out and tried to beat me up. 

3. Mentally ill homeless mas punched me in the head for no reason at all as I was walking down the high street. 


The last one quite deeply affected me mentally. 

little known scientific fact, that.  unless you're over 6 foot 4", a bike will slice thru you like a knife through butter. Height is permanent, form is fleeting.  you don't go on ilkley moor wi'out nowt takken owt.  I were raight about that saddle though....

"that's what happens when you give a nobody with a dead-end life a modicum of power.  The only way they can feel good about themselves is tyranny against others."

Lol @ this description of judges

We have fewer facts about the provocation from the woman but poshboy definitely provoked the reaction he received.

If on a jury trying his assailant would I convict?  Of course.

I wish there were another way for the obnoxious self-entitled youth to receive a lesson in humility but it was probably too late.  He had to learn the lesson of how to behave towards what he would probably consider his inferiors the hard way.


3 times:

1. Out for a drinks in a less than salubrious Kentish town and 2 m8s stop to piss down an alley so I am just waiting by myself and some drugged up khunt comes out of nowhere, knocks me over and starts stamping on my head. I staggered off and made my way to hospital with blood leaking down my face. Got to hospital and my two m8s  are already there having also been battered. I am still confused over the timing of that one. One of them was particularly peeved because he went off to see England v Spain the next day (Euro 96) and his face was all swollen and puffed up and security eyed him very suspiciously. More annoying, he needed a fvckload of dental treatment.

2. Kentish Town walking past a heaving pub and some bloke just turns around and punches me as I am passing for no reason whatsoever. I fvcking hate Kentish Town. Was a pretty weak punch so no harm done and his mates looked a bit embarrassed and yanked him back into the throng. 

3. Phoenix Festival (kids, ask your grandfather) - pissed and late at night, have been drinking vodka and coke out of a plastic bottle and chuck the empty bottle onto a campfire. It makes a small pop from the alcohol content and an angry twot stamps over and punches me out cold. 

I think I have a pretty resilient skull, fortunately.

Me and a friend were started on outside Molineux Stadium after a Newcastle vs Wolves match. Thankfully some big geordie types waded in and kicked the crap out of the wolves fans before the police got involved.

I have been attacked by three strangers, which is odd as hell because as many RoFers know I am a very big guy.

Was describes by one friend who was absolutely stunned that I’d be attacked as a “bear of a man”. Lol.

Anyway the attacked me and pickpocketed two phones From me.  w**kers.

Yeah, probably a dozen times in my life. Most of them when out drinking where I grew up as a kid.

I thought I was about to attacked by a drunken idiot in a restaurant bar last week actually (first time in many years) but he eventually moved on.  It was too posh a place to have bouncers and the staff just tried to ignore it.

From the age of about eight to about sixteen, constantly but in fairness it was on the rugby pitch.  

From the age of about fourteen to the age of about twenty-four, occasionally by drunk people who had lost it and/or muggers. 

Forty years later, I would now be scared to defend myself because PC Plod is so biased against middle-class people with jobs.  

"would now be scared to defend myself because PC Plod is so biased against middle-class people with jobs"


for fooks sake what the cock does that even start to mean?!


CC may be gentle but he is tall as fvck. Some other cloud scraper once told me that drunken idiots used to have a go at him all the time - they want to have a pop at the big guy to show how hard they are or something.

Awww fanks Clerghs.

As a kid it was just a rough town. Fights were just part of nights out (and we had some fairly easy targets in our little group).

Last week was a drunken idiot who was being an ar8e to a (female) friend.  I told him it was time to stop (frankly for his own safety she has a formidable temper, was quite drunk herself and on the brink of losing it) and he got a bit stroppy about it.

He was a big, gym pumped guy about 10 years younger than me and got right in my face in full playground style. It was a proper 'oh sh1t here we go, this is not going to be fun' moment. Weird feeling that mix of adrenaline and cortisol. 

I think a lot of these guys take steroids 

which I just do not understand because it makes you a w**ker 24/7 and (I understand) your penis smaller so how is it worth it

Yes. 3 onto 1. Sadly, tt wasn't a Jackie Chan scene and I got a severe beating. 

It was a thing at the time. At one point I didn't know anyone my age who hadn't had a kicking on the way home from the pub. One mate ended up with an orthopaedic cage on his head. 

Gr8 timez

To recap:

reports of violence against men: 14

reports of violence against women: 0

number of Roffers finding violence against men funny: 1 (Clergham)

number of Roffers finding violence against women funny: 0

honourable mention to Traumatico who was the only perpetrator of violence in the accounts

"Incidents of blaming the "stupid" victim for provoking the attack"

Can you not read? I specifically didn't blame the victim, said I didn't think it was provocation and that the culprit should have been given a custodial sentence. That the victim was daft to go gobbing off to a bouncer was, I thought, fairly uncontroversial.

after that mp ejecting the protestor there were lots of people saying how we was worse than a bouncer, how bouncers are trained etc - unless things are very different now that has not been my experience of bouncers generally.