Brexit Vote confusion...

So who am I supposed to vote for in the European elections to indicate I don't want to Brexit?

I am genuinely confused!


I was torn but am now going Lib Dem, they clearly have the momentum and Change UK are just splitting the vote.  Change UK should in fact not put up candidates and tell potential supporters to vote Lib Dem if they truly believed the priority is to stop Brexit rather than further their own interests.

Yeah, I voted Green last time. But this time I think my biggest worry is splitting the remain vote too much, so I reckon Lib Dem might be a more sensible choice. Sucks for the Greens though.

Take my immediate family as an example. Me, my mum, dad and siblings all voted remain and all voted for the same party in the last two general elections. This time we seem to be split between TIG, Lib Dem and possibly Green. It's worrying.

I won't be voting liberal democrat or green because of their other problematic manifesto persuasions

I don't care if we turn into a post apocalyptic mad max dystopia reeking of spam, I am not voting for parties that despise women and free speech; it would be like voting for Donald Trump to stop Brexit

unforts the top candidate for the SNP is also of this persuasion

so I am voting TIG

I am wavering between TIG and the Lib Dems.  I was planning on voting TIG but I agree with the comment upthread that they don't seem to have the momentum.  


However, I share Clerg's concerns about women's rights/freedom of thought and the LibDems.  The Greens are even more of a sh1tshow on that topic.

it is a very long story but essentially that transwomen are literally women for all purposes and that it is transphobic to disagree (justifying criminal action and losing your job), even when this disadvantages or endangers individuals who should be protected by sex based rights in the equality act

the libdems now employ aimee challenor, a transwoman and former Green activist who covered up the fact that their dad had been charged with (and was subsequently convicted of) kidnapping, torturing and raping a child in the small house they shared. Aimee hired the father as election agent and he spent unsupervised time among the children of party members and young activists.

I hadn't realised Aimee Challenor had joined the LibDems now. 


Alan, the LibDems support giving self-identified transwomen access to women's safe spaces such as refuges and rape crisis centres.

"In the last couple of years there has been a vigorous debate on social media, especially Twitter about transgender rights, with a number of people opposed to trans equality asserting that they do not recognise transgender women as women, and that trans women should not have access to what they regard as “women-only safe spaces”."

The problem with not voting TIG now is that they won't have the funding or the network to do anything at GE time if they don't make some progress now.

We will be left with the choice between Turds, Marxists and Mentalists as per usual.

I do so wish the Lib Dems weren't quite as mad as they are and were, like, a proper centrist party rather than just a bunch of oddballs who were kind of happy running for third with oddball policies.

The Led by Donkeys guys are heros tbf. 

I will (probably) vote lib dem in the euros to register as pro-remain and it seems atm to be the best tactical vote (I am in the SE region).

Hate the trans-women-are-literally-women thing tho.  I mean, fvking hell.  

The greens seem to have emerged from the trans cult whereas the Lib Dem's actively told people not to vote for them unless they believe trans women are literally actual women so I won't. 

I feel like there’s more urgency in the Brexit issue, so even though I drastically disagree with their stance on the trans issue, I think I will still vote for the LDs in the euros.

i dont think I will vote at all, it will be the first time ever I have not voted.

i no longer give much of a shit about brexit, so long as there isnt no deal i really dont care any more :( :(

 i was brought up in an active Liberal household ( pre LibDems) and had PR drummed in to me from an early age. Astonished when they eventually got a coalition govnt and fvcked it all up. I now think they’re pointless.

Rhamnousia16 May 19 10:27



 | DM

it is a very long story but essentially that transwomen are literally women for all purposes and that it is transphobic to disagree (justifying criminal action and losing your job), even when this disadvantages or endangers individuals who should be protected by sex based rights in the equality act

the libdems now employ aimee challenor, a transwoman and former Green activist who covered up the fact that their dad had been charged with (and was subsequently convicted of) kidnapping, torturing and raping a child in the small house they shared. Aimee hired the father as election agent and he spent unsupervised time among the children of party members and young activists.

Now I’m with everyone above who condemns the whole trans are literally women preposterousness 

but this seems a little harsh

idk much about this particular nutter but a cursory google suggests they have serious mental health issues (highly unlikely to have been fixed by changing sex, as any doctor will tell you) and were taken into care due to having a pair of total charlatans bringing them up

so how they could for definite know about the father’s actions I’m not really sure. definite family issues

and as for hiring and not properly disclosing their father was charged, well Challenor seems a bit thick, it sounds like the two Green Party people Challenor told failed to follow up, plus innocent until proven guilty at that point still prevails (even though by the sounds of it the father was very guilty)